景象的英文 景象用英語怎麼說?
scene n.發生地點;現場;一段情節;景象;場面;情景;景色;發脾氣;當眾吵鬧;活動領域
sight n.視覺;視力;看得到的東西;情景;景象;瞄準器;觀測器;看;看見;風景
picture n.畫;圖畫;畫片;照片;影片;畫像;印象;概念;肖像;局面
常用 權威
1. 蕭瑟景象
bleak scene
2. 常見景象
habitual sight
3. 景象奇偉
unusually splendid scenes
4. 一片興旺景象
a scene of prosperity
5. 歡樂的景象
scene of great joy
6. 可怕的景象
terrible sight
7. 靜謐的景象
tranquil scene
8. 暗淡的景象
dismal picture
9. 奇異的景象
curious spectacle
10. 縹緲的景象
illusive scenes
11. 慘淡的景象
dreary scene
12. 慘烈的景象
miserable scene; tragic sight
13. 宏偉的景象
magnificent vista
14. 淒涼的景象
dreary scene; sad sight
15. 奇瑰的景象
a fascinating sight
16. 模糊的景象
obscure view
17. 繁榮興旺的景象
scene of boom and prosperity
18. 熙熙攘攘的景象
scene of hustle and bustle
1. 在這家商店,這樣的景象是不正常的。
At this store, a sight like this is not normal.
2. 如今,我們在生活中隨處可見這樣的景象。
Nowadays, we can see the scene everywhere in the life.
3. 在鳥巢裡,伴隨它的是最壯觀的景象——午餐!
And it was accompanied in the nest by the greatest sight of all - LUNCH!
4. 如果你以前探索過這個地區,請留意熟悉的景象。
If you've explored the area before, keep an eye out for familiar sights.
5. 眼前的景象讓他驚訝得目瞪口呆。
He gaped in astonishment at the scene.
6. 我這一輩子還沒見過這樣的景象。
I’ve never seen such a sight in all my born days.
7. 洪水過後,留下一片淒涼景象。
The flood left desolation in its wake.
8. 這幅畫描繪出一幅豐收的景象。
This painting presents/represents the scene of a good harvest.
9. 這座城市呈現出一派繁榮景象。
The whole city presents an appearance of prosperity. / The whole city presents a picture of prosperity.
10. 洪水過後,這個國家一片索寞的景象。
The flood left a desolate landscape in the country.
名詞 scene; sight; picture
1. 那是一幅悲慘的景象。
It was really a tragic scene/miserable sight.
2. 可怕的景象
horrendous/horrible sight
3. 宏偉的景象
magnificent vista
4. 一片繁忙景象
a scene of hustle and bustle; a busy scene
5. 呈現出一派豐收的景象
present a scene of good harvest