技藝的英文 技藝用英語怎麼說?
skill n.技巧;技藝;技能
artistry n.藝術創造技巧
常用 權威
1. 技藝精湛
be highly skilled; be masterly
2. 魔術技藝
magic arts
3. 提高技藝
improve one's skill
4. 刺繡技藝
skill in embroidery
5. 技藝精純
masterly craft
6. 技藝拙劣
show clumsy mastery (of sth)
7. 顯示技藝
display one's technique
8. 技藝高超
superb skill
9. 技藝大有長進
make great progress in skill
10. 傳統手工技藝
traditional craft skill
11. 神妙的技藝
marvellous skill
12. 靠技藝取勝的遊戲
game of skill
1. 樊的兒子正在學習烤茶技藝。
Fan's son is learning the tea roasting technique.
2. 雜技演員們的高超技藝令人讚歎。
People gasped with admiration at the superb skills of the acrobats.
3. 在場的人無不為他的高超技藝叫絕。
All those present applauded his superb skills.
4. 這位舞蹈演員疏於練習,技藝退步了。
The dancer is not as good/skilful as she used to be for lack of persistent practice.
5. 這種技藝已失傳了。
The art was lost to the world.
6. 那位老師傅總是把自己的技藝傾囊相授,從不留一手。
The old worker always taught his apprentices his craftsmanship without any reserve.
7. 一場技藝高超的拳擊競賽。
A technically brilliant boxing contest.
8. 技藝高超的鋼琴家。
An accomplished pianist.
9. 他技藝超群。
He has excellent technique.
10. 這真是人生中最精明的技藝之一。
It is indeed one of the shrewdest things in life.
名詞 skill; artistry
1. 高超/非凡的技藝
masterly/remarkable skill (in)
2. 刺繡技藝
skill at/in embroidery
3. 傳統手工技藝
traditional craft skill
4. 技藝拙劣
show clumsy mastery (of sth)
5. 技藝精湛
be highly skilled; be masterly
6. 技藝超群
be distinguished for one's superb skill
7. 學到一門技藝
acquire/master a skill
8. 提高技藝
improve one's skill
9. 精通/磨鍊技藝
master/hone a skill
10. 傳授技藝
teach/impart a skill (in)