留的英文 留用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2024-10-18


remain v.保持;留下;遺留;留在;保持不變;一直是;剩餘;逗留;餘留

stay v.停留;留下;保持;維持;暫住;逗留;停止;延緩;防止;暫緩執行;支援;擁護;支撐;用支索支撐;用牽索固定

keep v.擁有;佔有;保有;繼續處於某情形;保持;撫養;贍養;養活;承兌;兌現;實現;履行;記;定期

reserve v.保留;預留;預訂;佔據;暫不作;把…專門留給;彌撒儀式後保留部分聖餐

save v.救助;搭救;挽救;積攢;儲蓄;節省;阻止對方得;阻止對方贏得;儲存;減少

leave behind 遺留;留下;落後

accept v.接受;收受;相信;認為正確;承認;接納;認可;歡迎;讚許;同意承擔

take v.拿;取;拿出;帶走;攜帶;接受;吃;喝;採取;執行;需要;生根;開始生長;需帶有;學習,讀,修(課程);需要…時間;容納;乘坐,搭乘(交通工具)

pay attention to 注意, 重視, 關注

concentrate on 集中精力於...;專注於

wear v.穿著;戴著;佩著;穿破;穿舊;銷蝕;磨損;耐用;耐久;耐穿;耐磨;使(船頭)轉向下風

常用 權威



1. 留位子

save a seat (for sb);reserve a seat (for sb)

2. 留後勁

conserve one's strength

3. 留便條

leave a note

4. 留口信

leave a message for sb

5. 留分頭

wear parted hair

6. 留髮辮

wear one's hair in braids

7. 留寸頭

wear a crew cut

8. 留某人過夜

put sb up

9. 留一個空缺

leave a vacancy

10. 留幾個座位

reserve some seats

11. 逋留國外數載

stay abroad for many years

12. 閻王要你三更走,誰能留你到五更

if the King of Hell decides you're to die at midnight, who dares to spare you till dawn?—when death comes, it will have no denial


1. 你可以一些錢用於高風險但潛在有利可圖的投資。

And you can keep some money for high-risk but potentially lucrative investments.

2. 別那麼貪吃,給別人點兒蛋糕。

Don’t be so greedy—leave some of the cake for others.

3. 這本字典對我無用了,你著用吧。

This dictionary is (of) no more use to me. You can keep it.

4. 我給他了言,他會回電話的。

I left a message for him, so he would surely call back.

5. 每兩排桌子間足夠寬的當兒放椅子。

Leave enough space between rows of desks for the chairs.

6. 我給他送去了四本書,他只了一本。

He only accepted one of the four books I sent to him.

7. 他走時給我了個字條兒。

He left me a note before leaving.

8. 這一百元錢你著零用吧。

Keep this 100- yuan note for small and incidental purchases.

9. 匆促之間他忘了地址。

In his hurry/haste, he forgot to leave his address.

10. 點兒神,不要再上當。

Be careful not to be cheated again.


留:liú ㄌㄧㄡˊ。《說文解字》:“留,止也。從田、丣聲。”。陰陽兩門開萬物冒地而出是丣之正規化。田、丣兩正規化疊加。停下來如同要在田裡生根了一樣是留之正規化。 本義:停止在某一個地方。如:停留、留學、留任、留級、留步、留守、留駐。 衍義:引申指“注意力放在上面”。如:留心、留神、留意。 衍義:引申指“不忍捨棄、不忍離去”。如:留連、留戀。 衍義:引申指“不使離開”。如:留客、留宿、挽留、拘留。 衍義:又用作姓。




動詞 remain; stay

1. 你想和我一起留下來嗎?

Do you wish to remain with me?

2. 獨自留在家裡

stay at home alone

3. 留下來照看病人

stay to take care of the patients

動詞 ask/invite sb to stay; keep sb from leaving

1. 我怎麼留也留不住他。

However hard I tried, I just couldn't talk him into staying.

2. 那樣的話,我就不留你了。

In that case, I won't keep you any longer.

3. 留客人吃飯

ask the guests to stay for dinner

動詞 keep; reserve; save

1. 這些座位是留給老人和殘疾人的。

These seats are reserved for the aged and the disabled.

2. 你能把那張票給我留下嗎?

Could you keep that ticket for me?

3. 那輛舊車還值得留著嗎?

Does that old car still earn its keep?

4. 留出一些錢備用

have some money in reserve

5. 留出半小時鍛鍊身體

set aside half an hour for physical exercise

6. 留位子

save a seat (for sb)

7. 留底稿

keep the draft/manuscript

動詞 leave behind

1. 他的演講給聽眾留下了深刻的印象。

His speech made a strong impression on the audience.

2. 把碗留到明天早上再洗吧。

Leave the washing-up till next morning.

3. 把孩子留在家

leave the children at home

4. 把財產留給孩子

leave one's property to one's children

5. 留張便條

leave a note (for sb)

6. 留下壞印象

give/leave a bad impression on; leave a bad taste in sb's mouth

7. 留下大筆遺產

bequeath a legacy

動詞 accept; take

1. 我給他送去了四本書,他只留了一本。

He only accepted one of the four books I sent to him.

動詞 pay attention to; concentrate on

動詞 study abroad/overseas

動詞 (of hair) grow; let grow; wear

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