抗拒的英文 抗拒用英語怎麼說?
resist v.抵抗;抵禦;抵制;反抗;阻止;忍住;掙扎;抵禦…誘惑
defy v.公然反抗;藐視;使(行動;品質)幾乎不可能;向…挑釁;激;向…挑戰
常用 權威
1. 抗拒法律
offer resistance to the law
2. 無力抗拒
be unable to resist
3. 抗拒逮捕
resist arrest
4. 抗拒到底
resist to the bitter end
5. 抗拒命令
defy orders; disobey an order
6. 抗拒搜查
resist search
7. 不可抗拒
inexorable; irresistible; overpowering; compelling; inescapable; overwhelming
8. 抗拒從嚴
be severe to those who refuse to confess their crimes; severity to the resistors; inflict a harsh/severe punishment to those who refuse to confess their crimes
9. 無法抗拒的誘惑
irresistible temptation
10. 不可抗拒的革命洪流
irresistible trend of revolution
1. 許多志願者無法抗拒超過十五分鐘的無聊。
Many volunteers are unable to resist boredom than fifteen minutes.
2. 我周圍發生的一切,把我拉來拉去,我無法抗拒。
Everything that happens around me, pull me here and there and I cannot resist (抵抗) them.
3. 慢食不能逆轉全球食品經濟不可抗拒的發展趨勢。
Slow Food cannot undo the irresistible developments of the global food economy.
4. 和平是不可抗拒的趨勢。
Peace is an irresistible trend.
5. 歷史的潮流不可抗拒。
No one can reverse the tide of history. / The tide of history is irresistible.
6. 雄性可能會抗拒被別的雄性取代。
Males may be able to resist displacement by other males.
7. 他的性吸引力讓女人無法抗拒。
He had an animal magnetism that women found irresistible.
8. 他陷入了一種無力抗拒的困擾之中。
He was in the grip of an obsession he was powerless to resist.
9. 他讓女人無法抗拒地被吸引到他身邊。
He drew women to him like moths to the flame.
10. 她感到他身上有一種難以抗拒的魅力。
She felt an undeniable charm emanating from him.
動詞 resist; defy
1. 歷史的潮流不可抗拒。
No one can reverse the tide of history. / The tide of history is irresistible.
2. 無力抗拒
be unable to resist
3. 無法抗拒的誘惑
irresistible temptation
4. 抗拒到底
resist to the bitter end
5. 抗拒搜查
resist search
6. 抗拒命令
defy orders; disobey an order
7. 抗拒法律
offer resistance to the law
8. 抗拒逮捕
resist arrest