衝鋒的英文 衝鋒用英語怎麼說?
assault v.武力攻擊;襲擊;困擾;使難受;攻擊
assail v.攻擊;襲擊;突然猛烈地襲向;強烈地批評
storm n.風暴;暴(風)雨;暴(風)雪;強烈的反應;騷動;論戰;外重窗;強擊;猛攻;旋風
常用 權威
1. 衝鋒槍
submachine/tommy gun; machine pistol; assault rifle
2. 衝鋒號
bugle call to charge; charge
3. 帶領衝鋒
lead a charge
4. 噴火衝鋒槍
burp gun
5. 帶頭衝鋒
lead the charge
6. 衝鋒陷陣
charge and shatter enemy position; charge the enemy line; break into the enemy rank;fight valiantly for a just cause
7. 發起衝鋒
charge forward
8. 下令衝鋒
give the order to charge
9. 衝鋒隊員
shock/assault trooper
10. 在炮火中衝鋒
plunge under fire
11. 向敵人陣線衝鋒
charge the enemy's front line
1. 青年人應該在現代化建設中打衝鋒。
Young people should be in the vanguard in the modernization drive.
2. 在科技發展的道路上,他們衝鋒在前。
They are in the vanguard of the technological advance.
3. 他大叫著命令號手吹響衝鋒號。
He yelled to his bugler to sound the charge.
4. 計劃是向敵人猛烈衝鋒。
The plan is to charge headlong at the enemy.
5. 你們應準備盾牌鎧甲,衝鋒上陣!
Prepare ye the shield and buckler, and go forth to battle.
6. 他命令我帶著衝鋒槍去掩護小王.
He ordered me to take my tommy - gun and cover Xiao Wang.
7. 死者主要是在漂流池或慢衝鋒槍。
Dead drifting is used primarily in pools or slower riffles .
8. 到最後,大部分軍人都憎惡衝鋒隊。
Well, at the end, one can almost say the Stormtroopers were hated by most soldiers.
9. 他們多半是為了糖而衝鋒陷陣.
Mostly they fought to protect sugar.
10. 騎兵現在可對長矛部隊衝鋒了.
Cavalry can now charge a spearman army.
動詞 assault; charge (forward); assail; storm
1. 在科技發展的道路上,他們衝鋒在前。
They are in the vanguard of the technological advance.
2. null
Fix bayonets! Charge!
3. 在炮火中衝鋒
plunge under fire
4. 向要塞發起衝鋒
charge the stronghold; make a charge against the stronghold
5. 向敵人陣線衝鋒
charge the enemy's front line
6. 下令衝鋒
give the order to charge
7. 發起衝鋒
make/mount a charge against; make/commit an assault (on)
8. 打退敵人的衝鋒
repulse/fight off/beat back/throw back/repel the enemy's assault