樂譜的英文 樂譜用英語怎麼說?
music score 樂譜;音樂配樂;譜子
music n.音樂;樂符;樂譜符號;樂譜;歌聲;曲譜;和諧悅耳的聲音;樂器奏出的樂曲
常用 權威
1. 樂譜架
music stand
2. 寫樂譜
write a musical composition
3. 活頁樂譜
sheet music
4. 鋼琴樂譜
piano score
5. 瀏覽樂譜
leaf through the music
1. 他的工作是坐在鋼琴家旁邊翻樂譜。
His job is to sit beside the pianist and turn the pages of the score.
2. 樂譜開啟著放在譜架上。
The music was open on a stand.
3. 託尼學習讀樂譜。
Tony learned to read music.
4. 一段樂譜和劇本的作用完全相同。
A piece of written music operates on exactly the same principle.
5. 我會根據樂譜上的拍子和節奏。
I will follow the instructions, the tempo markings, the dynamics.
6. 售賣樂譜、影音製品、定音器;
Selling DVDs, CDs, sheet music, pitch pipes, etc. ;
7. 音樂的樂譜,是與生命劇本相關的。
Scores of music are related to life scripts.
8. 彼得能不看樂譜彈奏最難的鋼琴曲.
Peter can play the most difficult piano music by ear.
9. 修訂過的樂譜上有不少取消的批註.
There were quite a few cancel notations on the revised music sheet.
10. 你學彈吉他時看樂譜還是不看樂譜?
Did you learn to play the guitar by ear or by reading music?
名詞 music score; music
1. 活頁樂譜
sheet music
2. 鋼琴樂譜
piano score
3. 不看樂譜演奏
play without music; play from memory
4. 寫樂譜
write a musical composition
5. 識樂譜
read music; read a note of music
6. 瀏覽樂譜
leaf through the music