現貨的英文 現貨用英語怎麼說?
spot goods 現貨商品;現貨;現品
常用 權威
1. 現貨匯率
spot-exchange rate; spot rate
2. 現款現貨
cash on delivery
3. 現貨購進
spot purchase
4. 買進現貨
spot purchase
5. 現貨價格
cash price; spot price; price in spot; physical price; actual price
6. 現貨買家
spot buyer
7. 現貨行情
spot quotation
8. 現貨交割
spot delivery
9. 現貨交易
spot transaction; spot trading; actual transaction
10. 現貨市場
spot market; cash market; physical market; actual market.
11. 備有現貨
be in stock
12. 現貨報價
spot price quotation
13. 現貨銷售
sale on the spot; spot/cash sale
14. 現貨樣品
actual sample; sample of existing goods
15. 現貨自運
16. 現貨交貨月
spot month
1. 我想要的電話機尚無現貨。
The phone I wanted was on back order.
2. 該店的全部現貨是光面的平裝書.
All its stock in trade is glossy paper backs.
3. 我們為客戶提供齊全的現貨庫存。
We provide our clients with complete stock inventory.
4. 通常指現貨可以進行交易的月份.
Usually used as the current delivery month for a commodity.
5. 這個商店有相當一批皮鞋現貨。
The store had quite an array of leather shoes in stock .
6. 一半的現貨的是光面的平裝本.
Half its stock - in - trade is glossy paperbacks.
7. 目前我們沒有現貨供應你方的需求.
For the moment we cannot supply your requirement from stock.
8. 不斷增加我們現貨的品種及存貨量。
Increasing the species and inventory stock quantity.
9. 長期合約定價以普氏現貨估價為基準
Term contracts are priced on Platts assessments
10. 它首先,減少了大小現貨燒燬鐳射。
It first, reduced the size of spot burnt by laser.
現貨(Actuals,又稱實物)是指可供出貨、儲存和製造業使用的實物商品,是期貨的對稱。 現貨交易中通行的是一手交錢一手交貨的交易方式,或者採取以貨易貨的交易方式。
名詞 merchandise on hand; prompt goods; spot goods; cash commodity; goods in stock
1. 可供現貨。
Deliveries can be made off-the-shelf.
2. 現錢買現貨
buy goods on hand in cash
3. 備有現貨
be in stock