修訂的英文 修訂用英語怎麼說?
revise v.更正;修改;修正;複習;溫習;訂正;校正;修訂;調整
常用 權威
1. 修訂稿
revised manuscript
2. 修訂版
revised edition;revised edition; revision
3. 修訂本
revised edition; revision
4. 修訂說明
revision note
5. 徹底修訂
thorough revision
6. 修訂條約
revise a treaty
7. 修訂預算
revise the budget
8. 修訂法案
amend a bill
9. 修訂過數次
have several revisions
10. 修訂教學計劃
revise a teaching plan
11. 修訂原版本
revise the original version
12. 保有修訂的權利
have the right to revision
1. 此次修訂正值綠色營銷興起之際。
The revisions come at a time when green marketing is on the rise.
2. 這會告訴您您需要了解的內容併為您提供修訂的主題。
This tells you what you need to know and gives you the topics for revision.
3. 字典的修訂版收錄了許多新術語。
Terms in various sciences have been included in the new edition of the dictionary.
4. 要審時度勢,適時修訂計劃。
Timely revisions of the plan must be made according to the changed circumstances.
5. 這本書由於經常修訂,一直能跟上時代。
The book stays au courant by constant revision.
6. 這本書1960年出版,1968年修訂。
The book was published in 1960 and revised in 1968.
7. 這部詞典正在修訂。
The dictionary is under revision.
8. 草案已經修訂。
The draft has been amended.
9. 修訂教學方法以適應學生的需要。
The adaptation of teaching strategy to meet students' needs.
10. 去年秋天一本修訂的課本匆匆出版了。
A rewritten textbook was rushed out last autumn.
修訂(英文:revise),讀音xiū dìng,漢語詞語,釋義為修改訂正。例句為“孔氏修訂國典,更有黜除。” 相關句子有“熹舊所為書,近加修訂,稍有條理。”出自宋代朱熹《答滕德章》。近義詞有“訂正”。
動詞 revise
1. 這部詞典正在修訂。
The dictionary is under revision.
2. 這本書1960年出版,1968年修訂。
The book was published in 1960 and revised in 1968.
3. 徹底修訂
thorough revision
4. 修訂過數次
have several revisions
5. 修訂條約
revise a treaty
6. 修訂教學計劃
revise a teaching plan