演說的英文 演說用英語怎麼說?
deliver a speech 發表演講;發表演說;發表講話
常用 權威
1. 演說術
oratory; elocution
2. 演說詞
text of a speech
3. 演說家
orator; elocutionist
4. 寫個演說稿
draft a speech
5. 就職演說
inaugural address/speech; inauguration
6. 街頭演說
soapbox oratory
7. 初次演說
maiden speech
8. 善於演說
be adept in public speaking
9. 馬拉松演說
marathon speech; long-winded speech
10. 首次演說
maiden speech
11. 施政演說
administrative policy speech;policy speech/address
12. 競選演說
campaign address/speech; election address
13. 基調演說
keynote speech/address
14. 告別演說
farewell/parting/valedictory address/speech
15. 精彩的演說
excellent speech
16. 語言精練的演說家
terse speaker
17. 熱情的告別演說
fervent farewell speech
18. 選編著名的演說
edit famous speeches
19. 不倫不類的演說
inappropriate speech
20. 調子低沉的演說
low-keyed speech
1. 即使是最成功的演說家也會犯錯。
Even the most successful public speaker will make mistakes.
2. 你的目標不是成為一個完美的演說家。
Your goal is not to be a perfect public speaker.
3. 我是一名著者、雜誌作家、電影製作人和演說家。
And I'm an author, magazine writer, filmmaker and public speaker.
4. 在那裡,他作為一名學生不但表現出色,而且成為了一名出色的演說家。
There, he not only did well as a student but also became a(n) accomplished public speaker.
5. 他發表了一篇自我感覺良好的演說。
He made a feel-good speech.
6. 他的就職演說沒法兒再精彩了。
His inauguration speech was superb.
7. 演說結束後,只有零零散散的掌聲。
The speech met with only sporadic applause.
8. 長而無味的演說會使聽眾感到厭倦。
A long and dull speech tires the audience.
9. 他的演說博得長時間的掌聲。
His speech elicited/drew long applause.
10. 這個演說的結尾很有力量。
The speech has a forceful ending.
演說(英文:deliver a speech),讀音為yǎn shuō,漢語詞語,指的是闡述、解說;也指表演敘說;還指就某個問題對聽眾說明事理,發表見解。例句有“他的口才如此之好,連最優秀的演說家也會相形見絀”。 相關近義詞有演講、登臺、講演。
動詞 deliver a speech; make an address
1. 施政演說
administrative policy speech
2. 就職演說
inaugural address/speech
3. 公開/政治/總統演說
open/political/presidential speech
4. 告別演說
farewell/parting address
5. 長篇演說
lengthy/prolix/wordy speech
6. 做即興演說
deliver a speech extemporaneously; extemporize/improvise a speech; give an extemporaneous/impromptu/offhand speech
7. 發表演說
deliver/give/make a speech