有聯絡的英文 有聯絡用英語怎麼說?
relate to 涉及, 有關; 理解
常用 重點詞彙
1. 雖然有聯絡,但也有區別。
Although there is a connection, there is also a distinction.
2. 就這麼簡單:和陌生人交談可以讓你感到有聯絡。
It's that simple: Talking to strangers can make you feel connected.
3. 人們捐款是因為\他們覺得自己和籌款的人有聯絡\。
People give because \they feel a connection to the person\ who is doing the fundraising.
4. 由於有了奧巴馬醫療計劃,就業和保險就不再有聯絡了。
With Obamacare there is no longer a link between employment and insurance.
5. 這家報紙避免與任何政黨有聯絡。
The newspaper detached itself from the political parties.
6. 馬的交易總是和欺詐有聯絡。
There has always been roguery associated with horse dealing.
7. 意義上的每個區別都和形式區別有聯絡。
Every distinction in meaning is associated with a distinction in form.
8. 他因有人聲稱他與中央情報局有聯絡而感到困擾
[with clause]he was dogged by the claim that he had CIA links
9. 所以,也許另一個鈉也會有聯絡。
So, maybe another sodium will attach.
10. 這家報紙和其他三家報紙有聯絡。
This newspaper is allied with three others.
affiliated with; relate to; to be related; to be connected