申請表的英文 申請表用英語怎麼說?
application form 申請表;申請表格;申請書
1. 就業申請表
job application form
2. 簽證申請表
visa application form
1. 在填寫申請表之前,你應該準備好你的動機信。
You should have your motivation letter ready before filling out the application form.
2. 在你遞交申請表之前,檢查一下你所寫的內容。
Check what you have written before you hand in your application form.
3. 填寫好申請表後回寄至此地址。
Complete the application form and return it to this address.
4. 我們突然收到一大批這個職位的申請表。
We have had an avalanche of applications for the post.
5. 一式兩份的申請表。
A duplicate application form.
6. 只需填好申請表。
Simply complete the application form.
7. 請使用英文填寫申請表並郵寄回。
Please complete the form in ENGLISH and mail in.
8. 請以打字或用黑筆填寫申請表格。
Please type or use black ink to fill in the application form.
9. 請附上申請表和最新BR影印本.
Please make payment with the application form and update BR copy.
10. 你需要在申請表中寫明教育背景.
You need to specify your education background in this application form.