鑑定的英文 鑑定用英語怎麼說?
identify v.識別;指認;認為…與…有緊密聯絡;認出;辨別出;使等同於;認為…與…一致;與…一致;和…打成一片
authenticate v.證明是確實的;證明…是真的;證實;確證;驗證身份
determine v.造成;在…中起決定性作用;探知;確定;終止;求出;下定決心;決意;解出;決定出
appraise v.評價;估價;評估質量;評價…的表現;為…定價;為…估價
evaluate v.估…的值;定…的價;對…進行評價;求(方程式;公式;函式)的數值
identification n.辨認;識別;認出;鑑定;認同感;身份證明;聯絡
appraisal n.估量;估計;評估;評價
evaluation n.評價;估價;賦值;估計價值
常用 權威
1. 鑑定費
appraising fees
2. 鑑定人
identifier; surveyor
3. 鑑定會
appraising/evaluation meeting
4. 鑑定書
expertise report; surveyor's report; written appraisal
5. 自我鑑定
self-evaluation; self appraisal
6. 畢業鑑定
graduation appraisal;graduation appraisal
7. 保養鑑定
maintenance evaluation
8. 票據鑑定
judgement of a bill
9. 性別鑑定
sex identification/determination
10. 效能鑑定
performance assessment
11. 手印鑑定
handprint identification
12. 生物鑑定
13. 文物鑑定
determination/identification of cultural relics
14. 一份鑑定
an appraisal
15. 質量鑑定
appraisal of quality; quality determination
16. 專利鑑定
patent examination
17. 刑事鑑定
criminal identification
18. 技術鑑定
technical appraisal/evaluation
19. 品質鑑定
characterization; appraisal of quality
20. 血型鑑定
blood grouping
1. 他的發明通過了專家/技術鑑定。
His invention has passed the experts’appraisal/technical tests.
2. 這臺機器已透過鑑定。
This machine has been tested and appraised.
3. 如有懷疑,就再請專家鑑定一次。
If in doubt, get a second opinion.
4. 它把鑑定責任交給了被告方。
It places the probative burden on the defendant.
5. 鑑定電腦系統的系統方法。
A methodical approach to the evaluation of computer systems.
6. 重點在於鑑定和減少汙染。
The emphasis is on the identification and mitigation of pollution.
7. 他們應邀去鑑定義大利文藝復興時期的工藝品。
They were invited to authenticate artefacts from the Italian Renaissance.
8. 裁決引發了公眾對法庭精神病鑑定作用的抗議。
The verdict raised a furore over the role of courtroom psychiatry.
9. 兌現支票時必須經過無數鑑定
You need umpteen pieces of identification to cash a cheque.
10. 馬鈴薯黃化矮縮病毒檢疫鑑定方法
Quarantine methods for identification of potato yellow dwarf nucleorhabdovirus
鑑定(讀音jiàn dìng),是指鑑別審定事物的真偽、優劣;對人功過、出身和優缺點等的鑑別和評定。
動詞 identify; authenticate; determine
1. 票據鑑定
judgement of a bill
2. 鑑定一幅畫
authenticate a painting
3. 鑑定文物年代
determine the date of a cultural relic
4. 鑑定筆跡/指紋
identify handwriting/fingerprint
動詞 appraise; evaluate
1. 這臺機器已透過鑑定。
This machine has been tested and appraised.
2. 自我鑑定
self-evaluation; self appraisal
3. 鑑定產品/工程質量
appraise the quality of a product/project
名詞 appraisal; evaluation
1. 畢業鑑定
graduation appraisal
2. 給學生寫鑑定
give a student appraisal; write an appraisal of a student
3. 一份鑑定
an appraisal