鄉的英文 鄉用英語怎麼說?
township n.黑人居住區;住宅新區;鄉;采邑;堂區;小鎮;6英里見方的地區;小城鎮;鄉村
country n.國;國家;鄉村;鄉下;地區;區域;人民;祖國;國民
countryside n.農村;農村地區;鄉間;鄉村;鄉村居民
village n.村莊;村;生活小區;居民區;小自治市;高階城郊購物中心
rural area 農村地區;鄉村地區;農村
native place 籍貫;故里;故鄉
home village 家鄉
hometown n.故鄉;家鄉
常用 權威
1. 萍泊他鄉
wander in an alien land
1. 他們再三推搪,硬是不到鄉下去。
They made all sorts of excuses and would not go down to the countryside.
2. 今年全縣糧食平產的鄉佔5%。
This year five per cent of the townships in the county have shown no increase in grain production.
3. 他想到鄉下去走走,換換環境。
He plans to go down to the country for a change (of scene).
4. 戰爭期間他們的學校疏散到鄉下去了。
During the war, their school had been evacuated to the country.
5. 轟炸時,兒童都疏散到鄉下去了。
The children were evacuated to the country when the city was being bombed.
6. 長岡鄉是江西省興國縣的一個鄉.
Changkang Township is in Hsingkuo County, Kiangsi Province.
7. 莉莉問她什麼時候可以再回家鄉。
Lily is asking when she can go back to her hometown again.
8. 該鄉的黃梨總產量高達一百萬噸.
The total output of pears in the village has reached one million tons.
9. 才溪鄉的這類工作也做得非常之好.
Excellent work was done along these lines in Tsaihsi as well.
10. 賓興禮的最早源頭是周代鄉飲酒禮。
The earliest source of Binxing ceremony is the Xiangyinjiu ceremony in Zhou Dynasty.
鄉(xiāng),漢語通用規範一級漢字(常用字),單一結構。此字初文始見於商代甲骨文,其古字形像二人面對著盛滿食物的器皿,表示二人相向而食。指小市鎮或己生長的地方或祖籍,又指中國行政區劃基層單位,屬縣或縣以下的行政區領導。可組詞家鄉、故鄉、鄉里等。 相關詩詞有范仲淹《岳陽樓記》“登斯樓也,則有去國懷鄉,憂讒畏譏,滿目蕭然,感極而悲者矣。”
名詞 [rural administrative unit under county] township
1. 鄉統籌,村提留
fees paid by farmers for overall township planning and village reserve
名詞 country; countryside; village; rural area
名詞 native place; home village; hometown