玫紅色的英文 玫紅色用英語怎麼說?
rose n.薔薇科植物;玫瑰;薔薇;象徵玫瑰或玫瑰花形的東西;蓮蓬式噴嘴;玫瑰色;玫瑰紅;玫瑰花;薔薇花
1. 玫紅色。我還沒有打過天糧,你呢?
Rose coloured. Now I've never whisked semolina before, have you?
2. 顏色:玫紅色,淺粉,黑色,白色。
Color: Mei red, light pink, black, white.
3. 我也喜歡那件暗玫紅色的。
I liked that dusty rose one, too.
4. 客廳與餐廳之間以一面玫紅色的牆過渡。
Between the living room and dining room with a rose red walls transition.
5. 分數越高,色調越偏向玫瑰紅色。就像是透過玫紅色的眼鏡看世界。
And the higher the score, the rosier the hue. You know, like looking at the world through rose-colored glasses.
6. 天使的手上拿著一朵精巧別緻的淺玫
She holds a delicate rose in Light Rose crystal and her skirt is engraved with the year of issue 2011.
7. 不鏽鋼鑰匙環上掛著一顆心形玫紅色水晶,把您的鑰匙扣在這款耀眼的心形鑰匙扣,肯定萬無一失。
Carry your keys on a glittering heart-shaped key ring. The stainless steel ring is attached to a dazzling Heart Stone-cut Rosaline crystal charm that glints in pink.
8. 身著黃袍的僧侶們在綠樹叢中默默穿行,而黑色大理石鋪成的道上立著一座玫紅色的房子,這便是神的居所。
The priests in their yellow robes moved silently through the green trees, and on a pavement of black marble stood the rose-red house in which the god had his dwelling.