逃課的英文 逃課用英語怎麼說?
cut class 逃課;蹺課;逃學
play truant 曠課, 逃學
常用 權威
1. 我有一次逃課是去醫院看我媽媽。
I was truant once when I went to the hospital to see my mother.
2. 他表現不好的一個例子是逃課。
An instance of his bad behaviour is that he ran away from school.
3. 他會逃課到碼頭去。
[with obj.]he would mitch school and go down to the docks.
4. 羅德尼逃課了。
Rodney was cutting class.
5. 她過去常逃課。
[with obj.]she used to skive lessons.
6. 他經常逃課,所以考試不及格。 。
He was often absent from classes, so he failed his examinations.
7. 今天男朋友鼓動我一起逃課。
Today, my boyfriend convinced me to skip school with him.
8. 要是可以,我會天天逃課
I would play hooky every day if I could.
9. 老師:你昨天逃課了是吧?
Teacher:You missed school yesterday didn't you?
10. 我發現那個逃課的學生在往河裡扔石子。
I found the truant throwing stones in the river.
逃課,是漢語詞彙,漢語拼音為táo kè,指的是一般指學生在未請假的情況下,沒有按照既定時間和地點上課的一種曠課行為。
動詞 cut class; cut school; play truant; run away from school; shirk school
1. 我有一次逃課是去醫院看我媽媽。
I was truant once when I went to the hospital to see my mother.
2. 他表現不好的一個例子是逃課。
An instance of his bad behaviour is that he ran away from school.
3. 逃兩節課
cut two classes