成績優秀的英文 成績優秀用英語怎麼說?
get excellent results
常用 重點詞彙
1. 在學校的學習中,我成績優秀。
I won good marks in the study of school.
2. 她因考試成績優秀而顯得突出。
She distinguished herself by her performance in the examination.
3. 那男孩因考試成績優秀而洋洋得意。
The boy was flushed with good examination results.
4. 有些父母認為教育就是考試成績優秀。
Some parents equate education with exam success.
5. 我活潑開朗,學習成績優秀。
I am lively and cheerful, learning as Excellent performance.
6. 校長因他在數學競賽中成績優秀給他頒獎.
The headmaster decorated him for making great achivement in math ' s competition.
7. 物理是她最喜歡的科目之一,她成績優秀;
Physics is one of her favorite subjects. She would like to help others if someone is in trouble.
8. 優秀生為何成績優秀?後進生為何學習落後?
Why do excellent students always achieve good results while poor students poor results?
9. 誠實守信,熱愛汽車,崇尚技術,學習成績優秀。
Honest and Integrity, Passion for technology and automotive, good academic achievement.
10. 一名成績優秀的青年去申請一個大公司的經理職位。
One young academically excellent person went to apply for a managerial position in a big company.
achievement; performance; result; success; accomplishment; attainment; exploit
excellent; outstanding; splendid; fine