適於的英文 適於用英語怎麼說?
suit n.一套衣服;所有花色相同的一組牌;請求;一副盔甲;一套篷帆;高階管理人員;追求;請願
fit adj.合適的;適合的;健康的;正確的;恰當的;好看的;迷人的;能勝任的;合格的;社會準則所允許的
be suitable for 適於;適合
1. 這個劇本適於拍電影。
This play will screen well.
2. 他有那種萬里挑一的完全適於跳芭蕾舞的體型。
He has that one-in-a-million body type that is perfect for ballet.
3. 多數餐飯是冷的,不適於食用。
Most of the meals were cold and inedible.
4. 豬肉對穆斯林來說是不適於食用的肉。
Pork is an unclean meat for Muslims.
5. 適於無線電廣播的系列作品。
A radiogenic series.
6. 適於戰場上使用的堅固耐用的計算機。
Ruggedized computers suitable for use on the battlefield.
7. 適於搬上銀幕的冒險故事。
An adventure story which would film well.
8. 他適於上鏡的魅力似乎是他的主要優點。
His telegenic charm appears to be his major asset.
9. 適於花壇種植的植物和其他夏季開花植物。
Bedding plants and other summer flowerers.
10. 適於老人居住的房屋。
A property suitable for occupation by older people.