傾向於的英文 傾向於用英語怎麼說?
be apt to 可能傾向於;較易於
affect v.影響;對…有影響;對…起作用;假裝;感動;打動;侵襲;感染;做作地使用;故作姿態地模仿
be inclined to 傾向於;趨於
常用 重點詞彙
1. 本質上,我們傾向於延長決策過程。
Essentially, we have this tendency to keep stretching out the decision-making process.
2. 傾向於在網路空間表達自己的觀點。
Tend to voice their opinions in cyberspace.
3. 勤奮的學生傾向於獨立做作業。
Diligent students tend to do their homework independently.
4. 現代人的思維非常傾向於交流。
The modern mind is overwhelmingly inclined toward communication.
5. 天才傾向於創造性地完成事情。
The genius tends to get things done creatively.
6. 它傾向於詳述他們的歡樂經歷。
It tends to dwell upon their joyous experiences.
7. 然而,許多人傾向於走極端。
However, many people tend to go to extremes.
8. 人類的大腦傾向於停留在負面事件上。
Human brains tend to dwell on negative events.
9. 他們傾向於負責任地駕駛。
They tend to drive responsibly.
10. 他們傾向於過度依賴國籍。
They tend to overly rely on nationality.
be apt to; squint towards; affect; be inclined to