緊靠著的英文 緊靠著用英語怎麼說?
lie close to
常用 重點詞彙
1. 我向北出發,一直緊靠著海岸線。
I headed north, hugging the coastline all the way.
2. 服務員不時地緊靠著桌子試圖擠過去。
Waiters kept pressing against the table trying to scooch by.
3. 她緊靠著枕頭把自己撐起來。
She levered herself up against the pillows.
4. 因為盤子的一邊緊靠著運河河岸。
Because one edge was resting against the side of the canal.
5. 煙霧籠罩的低地緊靠著喜馬拉雅的南緣。
Smoke-shrouded lowlands hug the southern margin of the Himalaya.
6. 濾液收集盒緊靠著上方皮帶的下面密封。
A filtrate collection box sits underneath, and seals against, the upper belt.
7. 石為岩層緊靠著煤礦層.
The lime - stone rocks bed up against the coal.
8. 菲利普站了起來,緊靠著他的雙胞胎哥哥。
Philip got up and stood beside his twin.
9. 安娜從門上滑下,坐在地上,頭緊靠著門。
Anna slides down the door and sits with her head against it.
10. 他們的房子緊靠著山。
Their house abutted against the hill .
lie close to