協定的英文 協定用英語怎麼說?
agreement n.協調一致;同意;一致意見;協定;一致;合同;契約;相容;呼應
convention n.準則;慣例;國際協議;公約;大會;會議;社會習俗;得體行為;約定;政黨代表大會
accord v.給予;授予;與…相符合
pact n.契約;協定;條約;公約
reach an agreement 達成協議
常用 權威
1. 仲裁協定
arbitration agreement
2. 履行協定
fulfil an agreement
3. 賠償協定
reparations agreement
4. 協定邊界
conventional boundary
5. 清算協定
clearing agreement
6. 協定法
conventional law
7. 協定書
memorandum of agreement
8. 退出協定
contract out of an agreement
9. 申根協定
Schengen Agreement
10. 漁業協定
fishery/fishing agreement
11. 抵償協定
compensation agreement
12. 國際協定
international agreement
13. 協定草案
draft agreement
14. 協定處方
cipher prescription
15. 防禦協定
defence agreement
16. 協定關稅
conventional tariff;conventional tariff/duty
17. 和平協定
peace convention;peace accord
18. 代理協定
agency agreement
19. 協定正文
text of an agreement
20. 遵守協定
comply with the agreement
1. 進一步的貿易協定引發了問題——新的衝擊是否會重創制造業。
Further trade deals raise questions about whether new shocks could hit manufacturing.
2. 簽署協定是兩國關係改善的開端。
The signing of the agreement was a prologue to better relations between the two countries.
3. 本協定將由國際觀察員監督執行。
The agreement will be monitored by international observers.
4. 兩個國家的這份貿易協定下月將滿期。
The trade agreement between the two countries expires next month.
5. 預算協定使任何減稅計劃都變得不可能。
The budget agreement had prohibited any tax cuts.
6. 兩公司間的非正式協定。
An informal agreement between the two companies.
7. 自由貿易協定的締結。
The conclusion of a free-trade accord.
8. 美國環保團體一直在加強對關貿總協定的抨擊。
US environmental groups had been stepping up their attack on GATT.
9. 協定要求敵對雙方軍隊撤退,而由中立軍隊接管。
The pact called on the rival forces to pull back and allow a neutral force to take control.
10. 股票回購協定。
A share buy-back.
名詞 agreement; convention; accord; pact
1. 停戰協定
armistice agreement
2. 貿易協定
trade agreement; trade accord
3. 口頭協定
oral/verbal agreement
4. 君子協定
gentleman's agreement
5. 和平協定
peace accord
6. 多邊/雙邊/互惠協定
multilateral/bilateral/reciprocal agreement
7. 單位協定存款
corporate deposit agreement
8. 貸款協定
credit/loan agreement
9. 代理協定
agency agreement
10. 協定正文
text of an agreement
11. 協定有效期
validity/term of an agreement
12. 協定條款
articles of an agreement; treaty articles
13. 協定價格
stipulated price
14. 遵守協定
comply with the agreement
15. 執行協定
execute an agreement
16. 退出協定
contract out of an agreement
17. 撕毀協定
tear up an agreement
18. 取消協定
cancel an agreement
19. 簽署協定
sign an agreement (on); sign a concord
20. 破壞協定
break/violate an agreement
21. 履行協定
fulfil an agreement
22. 恪守協定
stick/adhere to an agreement
23. 根據協定
under the agreement; according to the agreement
24. 廢除協定
annul/rescind an agreement
25. 締結協定
conclude a convention
26. 達成協定
reach an agreement; come to an agreement
動詞 negotiate an agreement/a contract; reach an agreement
1. 協定一個專案
reach an agreement on a project