注的英文 注用英語怎麼說?
pour v.湧流;傾訴;傾吐;紛至沓來;傾倒;倒;灌;注;斟
fill v.使充滿;裝滿;注滿;填滿;擠滿;佔滿;充滿;佈滿;被充滿;堵塞
fix v.固定;縛緊;釘牢;確定;決定;維修;修理;安排;打點;組織;定影;操縱…的結果;干擾…的結果;注射麻醉藥;閹割
annotate v.給…作註解
record n.記錄;記載;成績;履歷;紀錄;最佳成績;唱片;審判記錄;唱片樂曲
register n.正式名單;官方記錄;聲區;音區;語域;使用域;套準;疊合;暫存器;擋板;調風器;條;帶;區域性
note n.記錄;筆記;便條;鈔票;音;口氣;口吻;氣氛;音符;註釋
annotation n.註解;註釋;對(文字;圖表)註釋;加註
commentary n.評論;解說;解說詞;集註;實況報道;註釋
常用 權威
1. 拉夫卓伊跟著他押了25美分的注。
Lovejoy faded him for twenty-five cents.
2. 部分不易變質食品可免注保質期。
Part of the food that cannot be easily meta-volcanic-free note expiration.
3. 你注沒注意到有人進入這所房子?
Did you notice anyone go into the house?
4. 注: 工業增長速度按月報口徑.
Note: Increase rate of Industrial enterprises is according to monthly statistics.
5. 注:本申請表必須逐項填寫完整。
Note: This form must be filled in item by item without any omission.
6. 注:高等學校在校學生含研究生。
Note:Student enrollment in regular institutions of higher education includes postgraduates.
7. 注:廣播電臺數不包括區縣電臺。
Note:Number of broadcasting stations excludes those of districts and counties.
8. 注:船腹是防禦各種魚雷的攻擊。
Remark: Bulge can protect your ship under the torpedo attack.
9. 注:其它規格根據使用者需要確定。
Note: other specifications depend on customer's requirements.
10. 我何嘗沒見過那最美女人(注5)
Have I not seen the loveliest woman born
“注”為漢字,繁體字是註,拼音zhù。英語翻譯為concentrate, focus或direct。基本解釋為灌進去,注入及用文字來解釋詞名。
動詞 pour; fill
1. 大雨如注。
The rain came down in buckets/torrents. / The rain was bucketing down.
2. 血流如注。
Blood gushed from a wound.
3. 黃河東注大海。
The Yellow River goes east to the sea.
4. 把鉛注在模子裡
pour molten lead into a mould
動詞 (of attention, eyes, etc) concentrate; fix
名詞 stakes (in gambling)
量詞 [used for deals or sums of money]
動詞 annotate; explain with notes
名詞 note; annotation; commentary
動詞 record; register