到底的英文 到底用英語怎麼說?
at last 最後, 最終
in the end 最後, 終於
finally adv.最後;終於;不容置疑地;作為最後一個;決定性地;無可爭議地
after all 畢竟, 終究
in the final analysis 歸根到底;總之
常用 權威
1. 奮鬥到底
struggle to the very end
2. 戰鬥到底
fight to the end
3. 鬥爭到底
fight to the end
4. 抗拒到底
resist to the bitter end
5. 一直沉到底
sink straight to the bottom
6. 把工程負責到底
see the project through
7. 打破砂鍋問到底
break the earthenware pot so that the crack reaches the bottom—insist on getting to the bottom of sth
1. \我到底是誰?\ 他問自己。
\Who am I, indeed (到底)?\ he sked himself.
2. 那一天到底是什麼時候是一個爭論的問題。
Exactly when that day will be is a matter of debate.
3. 美國大兵是堅持到底,推翻納粹血腥統治的人。
The G.I. was the guy who stuck it out and drove back the Nazi reign of murder.
4. 我很高興能向觀眾解釋我的書到底是關於什麼的。
I'm excited to explain to the audience what my book is really about.
5. 如果消費者說他們想要透明,告訴他們你的產品到底是什麼。
If consumers say they want transparency, tell them exactly what is in your product.
6. Schellenberg沒有告訴他的助手他到底想努力證明什麼。
Schellenberg didn't tell his assistants what exactly he was trying to prove.
7. 他到底能不能康復還是個問號。
There is still some doubt as to his recovery. / Nobody is sure about his recovery.
8. 很難確診她到底患的是什麼病。
Her case defies exact diagnosis.
9. 這到底是怎麼回事,令人捉摸不透。
It’s hard for me to make head or tail of what has happened.
10. 功名到底是身外之物,德行是要緊的。
Fame and fortune are external things after all; it’s moral conduct that really counts.
1.? [on earth]∶用於 疑問句,表示進一步追究;究竟 你到底去不去?! 2.? [at last]∶表示經過較長過程最後出現某種結果 經過一番曲折,事情到底成功了 3.? [ after all]∶強調原因或特點;畢竟 [南方] 到底是南方,四月就插秧了 [小孩] 到底是小孩,這些道理他還不大懂 你到底為什麼不走進那間屋子 4.? [through;to the end]∶一直到完畢、結束或完成 貫徹到底 5.? [after all]∶表示感嘆的語氣 到底還是女人心細 ..到底還代表著結束。。我的人生到底了..
劉雨澤新歌《到底》重磅首發 力邀夏天Alex量身打造 在2013年的春季,金翼龍唱片公司旗下歌手劉雨澤即將推出新歌《到底》,初出茅廬的新晉歌手劉雨澤,在公司的的器重下,特邀當紅實力音樂人夏天Alex作詞作曲,精心為他打造首支出道單曲《到底》。《到底》是一首淡淡的民謠情歌,淡淡的訴說獨自暗戀的心情。日前單曲已基本錄製完成,劉雨澤希望藉助《到底》這首歌得到大眾的認可和喜歡。
動詞 do sth to the end/finish
1. 將改革進行到底
carry the reform through to the end
2. 打到底
fight to the finish/the last man
副詞 at last; in the end; finally
1. 實驗到底成功了。
At long last, the experiment succeeded.
2. 我想了很久,到底明白了。
I thought it over for a long time and finally came to understand.
副詞 [used in questions for emphasis]
1. 火星上到底有沒有生命?
Is there any form of life on Mars?
2. 你到底想幹什麼?
What on earth are you up to?
副詞 after all; in the final analysis
1. 到底是年輕人幹勁大。
After all, young people are more energetic.