善於的英文 善於用英語怎麼說?
be adept in 善於;擅長;精通
be good at 擅長於
常用 權威
1. 善於應酬
be skilled in social communications
2. 善於應付
be good at handling
3. 善於狡辯
be good at quibbling
4. 善於演說
be adept in public speaking
5. 善於經營
be good at management
6. 善於心算
be good at mental arithmetic
7. 善於描寫
be good at describing
8. 善於雄辯
be skilled as an orator
9. 善於交際
be skilful at socializing
10. 善於表達
be articulate
11. 善於巧妙地應對
be good at repartee
12. 善於運用畫筆
be handy with a paintbrush
13. 善於烘烤食品
be good at baking
14. 善於即興對答
be good at improvising dialogue
15. 善於精打細算的人
person with a calculating mind
1. 他們工作努力,善於交際,有條理。
They're hard-working, social, and organized.
2. 不像其他教授那樣善於交際。
Less sociable than other professors.
3. 睡得好使人更善於交際。
Sleeping well makes people more sociable.
4. 參加完聯誼會後,克拉拉變得更加自信和善於交際了。
Clara is more confident ( 自 信 的 ) and sociable after her BuddyBall sessions.
5. 一個優秀的記者必須善於發掘新聞。
A good reporter must be able to smell out a news story.
6. 一個好的駕駛員必須善於判斷距離。
A good driver must have a good perception of distance.
7. 那些老奸巨滑的政客們善於蠱惑人心。
Those politicians, past masters of machination and manoeuvre, are at home in demagogy.
8. 我妹妹很善於照料孩子。
My sister is awfully good at looking after children.
9. 他善於籌謀,敢於決斷。
He is good at planning and courageous to make prompt decisions.
10. 他善於揣度別人的心思。
He is a shrewd mind-reader.
善於(shàn yú),漢語詞語,指的是在某方面擅長。例句為“我們要善於運用歸納法解決數學難題。” 相關近義詞有善長、長於、慣於。相關古文有“王莽於天鳳二年改稱匈奴為恭奴,單于為善於。”出自《漢書·匈奴傳下》。
動詞 be adept in; be good at
1. 我妹妹很善於照料孩子。
My sister is awfully good at looking after children.
2. 善於運籌
be efficient at planning and management
3. 善於用人
know how to choose the right person for the right job; know how to make proper use of personnel
4. 善於用兵
be well versed in the art of war
5. 善於應變
be good at meeting an emergency
6. 善於演說
be adept in public speaking
7. 善於經營
be good at management
8. 善於交際
be skilful at socializing
9. 善於計算
be ready at reckoning; be good at figures
10. 善於辭令
have a ready tongue; be gifted with a silver tongue