正當的英文 正當用英語怎麼說?
just when 正當;就在;僅當
proper adj.真正的;合適的;適當的;恰當的;專屬於… 的;為…所特有的;原色的;漂亮的;好看的;真的;正常的
appropriate adj.適當的;合適的;恰當的;個人的;特殊的;屬於某一個人所特有的;個性的
legitimate adj.合法的;合乎規矩的;正當的;合乎邏輯的;有合法王位繼承權的;正劇的
justified adj.正當的;有理由的;合理的;稱義的;使有義的;排列整齊的;對齊的
honest adj.誠實的;老實的;真誠的;正直的;樸實的;簡單的;貞潔的;單純的;用正當手段獲得的;無可責備的
常用 權威
1. 正當手段
proper means
2. 正當收入
honest earnings; legitimate income
3. 正當行為
correct behaviour; rightful act
4. 正當防衛
legitimate/justifiable/justified defence; self-defence
5. 正當經濟利益
proper economic benefits
6. 不正當關係
illicit relationship
7. 根據正當權利
by rights
8. 正當法律程式
due process of law
9. 透過正當手段
by fair means
10. 靠正當勞動生活
live by honest labour
1. 正當她要上床睡覺時,有敲門聲。
Just when she was going to bed, there was a knock at the door.
2. 澳大利亞處理不正當解僱悖論。
Australia deals with the unjustified dismissal paradox.
3. 相反,解僱必須有正當理由。
Instead, dismissals must be justified.
4. 但是,正當使用英語的人數進一步增加時,卻也出現了這樣一些跡象。
But even as the number of English speakers expands further there are signs.
5. 正當我不知所措時,好運降臨了。
When I was at a loss, luck intervened.
6. 有人說,男人四十正當年。
It is said that a forty-year-old man is in his prime.
7. 沒人知道他為什麼在正當年的時候猝死。
Nobody knows why he died suddenly in the prime of his life.
8. 正當她感到彷徨無助時,朋友們趕來幫忙了。
Her friends came to her help just when she was helpless.
9. 正當防衛是無罪的。
One who acts in legitimate defence is not guilty.
10. 勤勞致富是正當的。
It is only fair that people who work hard should prosper.
動詞 just when; just the time for
1. 正當她感到彷徨無助時,朋友們趕來幫忙了。
Her friends came to her help just when she was helpless.
2. 正當春播之時
just the time for spring sowing
形詞 proper; appropriate; legitimate; justified
1. 勤勞致富是正當的。
It is only fair that people who work hard should prosper.
2. 不正當關係
illicit relationship
3. 正當要求
just/legitimate claim; justified demand
4. 正當行為
correct behaviour; rightful act
5. 正當手段
proper means
6. 正當收入
honest earnings; legitimate income
7. 正當理由
sound/justifiable/legitimate reason; good/just cause
8. 正當經濟利益
proper economic benefits
9. 正當法律程式
due process of law
10. 透過正當途徑
in proper ways; by appropriate means; through proper channels
11. 保護正當權益
protect sb's just/legitimate rights and interests
形詞 (of sb's character) upright; honest