陰謀的英文 陰謀用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-02-03



conspire v.陰謀;密謀;共謀;合作;協同;湊合起來;共同促成

plot n.陰謀;密謀;情節;小塊地;苗圃;圖表;地圖

scheme n.計劃;規劃;方案;系統;陰謀;詭計;組合

conspiracy n.陰謀;密謀;共謀

常用 權威



1. 陰謀家

schemer; intriguer; conspirator

2. 陰謀篡權

scheme for power

3. 侵略陰謀

aggressive designs

4. 陰謀詭計

schemes and intrigues

5. 邪惡陰謀

villainous plot

6. 陰謀手段

conspiratorial means

7. 互相耍陰謀

intrigue against each other

8. 陰謀篡位

plot to supplant the king

9. 陰謀集團

conspiratorial clique/group

10. 政治陰謀

political intrigue/plot/scheme

11. 陰謀破壞

plot sabotage

12. 陰謀叛亂

plot a rebellion

13. 陰謀策劃

conspire to do sth

14. 罪惡陰謀

criminal conspiracy

15. 洩露陰謀

tip the plot

16. 捲入陰謀

be sucked into an intrigue

17. 粉碎政變陰謀

smash a coup plot

18. 玩弄陰謀詭計

resort to schemes and intrigues

19. 陰謀未能得逞

be frustrated in one's plot

20. 兇殘的陰謀

diabolic plot


1. 是陰謀的一部分。

Be part of a conspiracy.

2. 有人說這是陰謀,我們說這是陽謀。

Some people said this was a covert scheme; we say it was an overt one.

3. 他與一項陰謀有牽連。

He got/was entangled in a plot.

4. 敵人的陰謀破產了。

The enemy’s scheme fell through.

5. 這裡沒人搞陰謀

There is no conspiracy at work here.

6. 陰謀未能得逞。

The plot fell through/failed.

7. 陰謀敗露了。

The plot has leaked out. / The conspiracy has been exposed.

8. 總理強烈呼籲警惕美國人的陰謀

The prime minister was in full cry with warnings against the plots of the Americans.

9. 對這個陰謀進行公開調查不合適。

Holding a public enquiry into the scheme was not expedient.

10. 應該以暴動和陰謀罪控告他們。

Riot and conspiracy charges should be brought against them.



陰謀(英文:plot),讀音yīn móu,漢語詞語,指的是用兵的謀略;也指秘計、詭計;還指暗中策劃、秘密計議。例句有“群眾的警惕性越來越高了,騙子的陰謀詭計很難得逞”。 相關古文有“陰謀逆德,好用兇器。”出自《國語·越語下》,相關近義詞有打算、算計、詭計,反義詞有計策。


《陰謀》是Frank Pierson執導的戰爭懸疑電影。ley Tucci、Kenneth Branagh、Ben Daniels主演。 影片講述了第二次世界大戰中期,美軍參戰令希特勒一統世界的狂夢破碎。1942年1月20日一場秘密會議,全世界人類的生活就此改變.這場會議中的一份檔案,隱藏了多少秘密,猶太人是生是死,答案只有秘密對話裡的發言者知道。



動詞 conspire; plot; scheme

1. 陰謀政變

scheme to stage a coup d'état

2. 陰謀推翻政府

conspire to overthrow the government; scheme for the overthrow of the government

3. 陰謀破壞

plot sabotage

4. 陰謀叛亂

plot a rebellion

5. 陰謀復辟

plot a restoration; plot to restore the old order

6. 陰謀篡/奪權

scheme for power; scheme to usurp power

7. 陰謀策劃

conspire to do sth

8. 陰謀暗殺

plot for sb's assassination; plot against sb's life

名詞 plot; scheme; conspiracy

1. 這裡沒人搞陰謀。

There is no conspiracy at work here.

2. 敵人的陰謀破產了。

The enemy's scheme went bankrupt.

3. 罪惡陰謀

criminal conspiracy

4. 政治陰謀

political intrigue/plot

5. 侵略陰謀

aggressive designs

6. 大/小陰謀

high/petty intrigue

7. 陰謀手段

conspiratorial means

8. 洩露陰謀

tip the plot

9. 識破陰謀

get scent/wind of a conspiracy; discover sb's plot; see through/penetrate sb's plot

10. 捲入陰謀

be sucked into an intrigue

11. 警惕敵人的陰謀

guard against the enemy's plot

12. 揭露陰謀

expose a plot/an intrigue; uncover/unmask a conspiracy; lay bare/uncover a plot

13. 互相耍陰謀

intrigue against each other

14. 搞陰謀

engage in/carry on an intrigue; intrigue

15. 粉碎陰謀

crush/smash/shatter a conspiracy; crush a plot

16. 挫敗陰謀

defeat/foil/thwart a plot; foil a conspiracy/scheme; break the back of a scheme; frustrate sb in his designs

17. 策劃陰謀

hatch (out)/engineer/brew/devise a plot
