開汽車的英文 開汽車用英語怎麼說?
drive a car 開車;駕駛汽車
常用 重點詞彙
1. 另外,開小汽車也很昂貴。
[sentence adverb]also, a car's very expensive to run.
2. 開汽車的人應該注意並體諒騎腳踏車的人。
Motorists should be aware of cyclists and considerate towards them.
3. 開汽車很貴。
It's expensive to run a car.
4. 我希望開汽車開得象你一樣好。
I hope I can drive the car like you do. (conj. )
5. 你竟膽敢來指點我怎麼開汽車?
Are you presuming to tell me how to drive my car?
6. 只要可能,他寧可開汽車。
He'd rather drive whenever possible.
7. 這個姑娘和男孩子一道,也學會了開汽車。
Thee girl as well as the boys has learned to drive a car.
8. 他通常開汽車去上班; 大約要用20分鐘.
He usually drives to work; it take him about twenty minute.
9. 我叔叔教別人開汽車。
My uncle instructs people how to drive cars.
10. 汽車模擬夜考要求: 學習開汽車已經有段時間了,幾天前…
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drive a car