繼續加油的英文 繼續加油用英語怎麼說?
keep fighting 繼續奮鬥;不停奮鬥;繼續戰鬥
常用 重點詞彙
1. 讓我們一場比賽一場比賽繼續加油。
Let's go game by game.
2. 我希望你們大家繼續加油甚至保持,聯絡.
I wish you continued success and all stay in touch.
3. 2015年的畢業生,祝賀你們!繼續加油!
Congratulations to the class of 2015! Fight on!
4. 繼續
Continue filling Oh!
5. 繼續加油喔。
Keep up the good work.
6. 時間是寶貴的, 我得繼續加油, 祝我一切順利吧!
The time is precious, I must continue to refuel, wish me all smoothly!
7. 我保持微笑,對他們的思考和努力給予評價,並且鼓勵他們繼續加油。
I shared smiles, complemented their hard work, and encouraged them in their efforts.
8. 比賽後,馬拉多納計劃週日去北京為阿根廷男子籃球隊和女子壘球隊繼續加油助威。
After the match, Maradona plans to travel to Beijing on Sunday to support the Argentine teams in men's basketball and women's hockey tournaments.
9. 底),5、踩上油門,稍微加油,使速度連線上,不出現頓挫6、慢松離合,7、繼續加油。
The end), 5, step on the accelerator, a little refueling, on speed of connection, there is no abortion 6, slow song-clutch, 7, continue to fuel.
keep fighting