寄居蟹的英文 寄居蟹用英語怎麼說?
hermit crab n.寄居蟹
1. 螃蟹、寄居蟹、蚯蚓等無脊椎動物
Crabs , hermit crabs , earthworms , other invertebrates
2. 波迪告別了小寄居蟹,又朝前游去。
Bodi said goodbye to the little hermit crabs, swim forward again.
3. 其他的同學則在外面找寄居蟹和招潮蟹給我們看.
The other classmates ran around and found hermit crabs and fiddler crabs for us to see.
4. 寄居蟹隨意轉動的眼睛似乎在捕捉每個角度的動靜.
The hermit crab turns eyes at willing catch the movements in all direction.
5. 寄居蟹, 藤壺, 蜆和螺有很硬的殼來保護自己.
The hermit crab, barnacle, clam and snail have hard shells to protect themselves.
6. 它們使寄居蟹水空調,但像4倍的價格作為水族館空調。
They make hermit crab water conditioner but it's like 4 times the price as aquarium conditioner.
7. 它的腹部是軟的,所以寄居蟹用一個空的海洋蝸牛的殼來保護自己。
Its abdomen is soft, so a hermit crab uses the empty shell of a sea snail to protect itself.
8. 在導遊帶領的垂釣之旅中,在海灘上搜尋小龍蝦,或發現寄居蟹的蹤跡。
Pump for yabbies and spot armies of soldier crabs on the beach on a guided fishing tour.
9. 我們在收聽中心內擺放了一些《寄居蟹的家》的書和這本書配套的磁帶。
We put several copies of A House for hermit crab and an audiocassette of the book into the listening center.
10. 烏龜說我的心情不好,因為我羨慕寄居蟹,他的殼可以換呢,毛蟲又去問了寄居蟹你的心情好不好呀?
The turtle replied, No, I am not happy because I envy the hermit crab , he can change his shell.
寄居蟹(拉丁學名:Paguridae),有“清道夫”之稱,又名白住房、幹住屋,屬於一般保護動物。 寄居蟹主要以螺殼為寄體,其外形介於蝦和蟹之間,多數寄居於螺殼內。體形長,頭胸部具頭胸甲,頭胸部前部較狹窄,後部擴充套件較寬。寄居蟹多產於黃海及南方海域的海岸邊。其為雜食性動物,以小的或死的動物為食,常見的有大寄居蟹、艾氏活額寄居蟹和下齒細螯寄居蟹。中國有180餘種,多數為暖水種,黃海有少數冷水種。 飼養寄居蟹的條件包括溫度保持在25-30°C左右,溼度保持在70-90%左右,容器是越大越好,以及溼潤的墊材,可以餵食魚肉、蝦肉、昆蟲、米飯、蘋果等,餵食海水,可以在飼養盒裡放置一些比寄居蟹偏大的螺殼。