交通便利的英文 交通便利用英語怎麼說?
have traffic facilities; be accessible
常用 重點詞彙
1. 它可以幫助更多的人來西藏旅遊,給當地人民帶來交通便利。
It can help to make more people visit Tibet and bring traffic convenience to local people.
2. 該城交通便利,四通八達。
The city provides easy access from all directions.
3. 這片房地產開發在一處交通便利的地方。
The property is set in a convenient location.
4. 選址到倫敦必須交通便利。
The site would have to be convenient for London.
5. 坐落在交通便利的哈大公路邊。
Is located in the Grand Duchy of HA traffic roadside convenience.
6. 道路交通便利,是上海的陸上要津。
Its road traffic is fairly convenient , ranking the key land post in shanghai.
7. 耽子鎮地理位置優越,交通便利順暢。
Delays in the town sub-strategic location, convenient transportation and smooth.
8. 長嶺縣交通便利、通訊快捷。
The traffic in Changling County is quite convenient and communications very fast.
9. 但是,交通便利,環境優美。
But the transportation is convenient and the environment is pleasing.
10. 它的戰略位置,交通便利.
It has strategic location and convenient traffic.
be connected/linked; associate/collude with; traffic; communications; liaison; liaison person; underground messenger
convenient; easy; facilitate