坡度的英文 坡度用英語怎麼說?
gradient n.公路斜面;斜坡;梯度;坡度;斜率;梯 度率;梯度運算元
常用 權威
1. 斜坡坡度
ramp slope
2. 屋頂坡度
roof slope
1. 這條彎道越往上坡度越大。
The slope increases as you go up the curve.
2. 這條公路的坡度為10度。
The road has a gradient of 10°.
3. 我讓飛機大坡度傾側,轉了個彎。
[with obj.]I banked the aircraft steeply and turned.
4. 屋頂應具備能有效排水的坡度。
The roof should have a slope sufficient for proper drainage.
5. 不久坡度越來越陡,他開始覺得累了。
Soon the ascent grew steeper and he began to tire.
6. 坡度平緩的堤壩。
A gentle embankment.
7. 一個鋪了石頭的平整的雙層大場院,儘管小山坡度很徒。
A large paved double courtyard which was level, despite the steep gradient of the hill.
8. 植被覆蓋度隨坡度的升高而減少;
Vegetation coverage decreased with the increase of slope;
9. 很難從陡峭的坡度把車子開下去.
It is difficult to drive down a steep downgrade.
10. 表現為由北向南下傾的海面坡度。
Showing a sea surface slope downward from north to south.
地表單元陡緩的程度 坡度(slope)是地表單元陡緩的程度,通常把坡面的垂直高度h和水平方向的距離l的比叫做坡度(或叫做坡比)用字母i表示,即兩點的高程差與其路程的百分比,i=h/l×100%。 決定地表面區域性地面接收陽光和重新分配太陽輻射量的重要地形因子,直接造成區域性地區氣候特徵差異,影響各項農業生產指標。
名詞 degree of an incline; slope (grade); gradient
1. 這條彎道越往上坡度越大。
The slope increases as you go up the curve.
2. 這條公路的坡度為10度。
The road has a gradient of 10°.
3. 坡度為25度的一段山路
a mountain path with a slope of 25 degrees
4. 在30度的坡度上
at an incline of 30 degrees