油桃的英文 油桃用英語怎麼說?
nectarine n.油桃;蜜桃;油桃樹;蜜桃樹
常用 權威
1. 油桃是一種很像桃子的水果.
The nectarine is a fruit much a peach.
2. 油桃,杏子和芒果的中間有一個大果核。
Nectarine , apricot and mango have a large pit in the middle.
3. 桃果皮表面有柔毛,果皮光滑的品種稱為油桃。
Peach skin is downy or fuzzy; smooth-skinned peaches are nectarines .
4. 桃子、李子、杏子、油桃、櫻桃,都長在一棵樹上。
So that's peaches, plums, apricots, nectarines and cherries all growing on one tree.
5. 油桃對特定的蟲害和病害感染的反應與桃相比有所不同。
Nectarines exhibit different reactions to specific insect attacks and fungal infections than do peaches.
6. 上鄂品到的是柯塔拉託葡萄香以及一絲雅緻的油桃
The nose is typical soft nectarine fruit flavours with an elegant spicy and long finish.
7. 桃子, 洋李和油桃本身可以釋放足夠的氣體來成功催熟.
The peaches, plums and nectarine nectarines themselves release enough of the gas to ripen successfully.
8. 為了給油桃抗冷害技術的研究及減輕油桃貯藏期間冷害的發生提供參考。
The research studied the effects of putrescine treatment on chilling injury of nectarine fruits during cold storage.
9. 在南部西班牙,桑格利亞汽酒被叫做zurra,這種是從桃子或者油桃裡得來的。
In the south of Spain Sangria is called zurra, and is created with peach or nectarine.
10. 研究了低溫累積對華光油桃萌芽的影響以及花芽在自然休眠過程中幾項生理指標的變化。
Huaguang were investigated during natural dormancy period, and some of the physiological changes in floral bud were studied.
油桃(拉丁學名:Prunus persica var. nectarina,別名:李光桃),薔薇科桃屬落葉小喬木。油桃源於中國,在亞洲及北美洲皆有分佈。 油桃葉為窄橢圓形至披針形,長15釐米,寬4釐米,花單生,從淡至深粉紅或紅色,有時為白色,有短柄,直徑4釐米,早春開花;近球形核果,肉質可食,為橙黃色泛紅色,直徑7.5釐米,有帶深麻點和溝紋的核,內含白色種子。它對土壤、氣候的適應性和栽培技術跟普通桃基本一樣。
名詞 nectarine