傭人的英文 傭人用英語怎麼說?
(domestic) servant
常用 權威
1. 分給我傭人套房中的一小間。
I was allotted a little room in the servant's block.
2. 他讓傭人把他們暴打了一頓。
He had them rough-housed by his servants.
3. 整個傭人居住區都在散佈著這種流言。
The whole servant mahal has been buzzing with the gossip.
4. 她為自己和家中傭人的良好關係而自豪。
She was proud of her good relationship with the domestic staff.
5. 做飯和洗衣由傭人來做。
Cooking and laundry were undertaken by domestic staff.
6. 她是作為我們家的一個女傭人成為這個家的一員的。
She entered this establishment as our housemaid.
7. M:最初我的工作是當一名傭人
M: First, I worked as a servant.
8. 我每天必須催我的傭人快點幹活。
I must chivy my servant up a bit every day.
9. 你只扯一下鈴繩, 傭人就會來的.
Pull on that bell rope, and a servant will come.
10. 她父親是看門的,母親當傭人.
Her father was a building custodian and her mother was a maid.
名詞 (domestic) servant