談的英文 談用英語怎麼說?
remark v.說;議論;評論說;說起;提及;注意到;注意
utterance n.言語;言辭;發聲;表達;話語
talk v.談話;交談;說話;談判;說服;議論;談心;商討;責備;徹底地討論
常用 權威
1. 談看法
offer one's opinion
2. 談正經事
talk business
3. 談物件
be courting; be in love
4. 談正事
talk business
5. 談了半宿
talk for half the night
1. 在這些問題發展到緊要關頭之前,把它們談清楚是很重要的。
It is important to talk through these issues before they come to a head.
2. 我曾經寫過一篇論文,談神話故事對Roald Dahl作品的影響。
I once wrote a paper on the influence of fairy tales on Roald Dahl's writing.
3. 客人們請新娘新郎談談戀愛的經過。
The guests asked the bride and bridegroom to relate their love story.
4. 我所談的只不過是我個人的一得之愚。
What I said just now was only my humble opinion.
5. 對他所談的這些,我提不出什麼意見。
I have little to say about what he said.
6. 在商言商,你可以跟我談。
Business is business, you can negotiate with me.
7. 爸爸和我的老師談了很久。
Father had a long conversation with my teacher.
8. 我就拉拉雜雜談這些,不對之處請指正。
I’d stop rambling, and my speech is open to criticism.
9. 這兩個好朋友談了一通宵。
The two good friends talked all night (long).
10. 她沒機會和他談這件事。
She had no opportunity to discuss it with him.
談(讀音:tán),漢語漢字,左右結構,總筆畫為10畫,部首為訁部。釋義是說話、對話,組詞有談心。也指姓氏或言論、聽說的話,組詞有笑談。 相關古文有“談,語也”,出自於《說文》。
談姓在中國並不是一個常見的姓氏,但也是中國較為古老的姓氏之一。在《百家姓》中排第118位。 談姓,應該讀Tan,第二聲。
動詞 talk/chat/converse (about sth with sb); speak (about); discuss (with sb)
1. 咱們邊喝茶邊談。
Let's talk over a cup of tea.
2. 我想和你談談。
I want to talk to you.
3. 她沒機會和他談這件事。
She had no opportunity to discuss it with him.
4. 他跟我談過此事。
He spoke of this matter to me.
5. 老朋友們徹夜長談。
The old friends chatted deep into the night.
6. 部長在講話中談到了國際形勢。
The minister touched on the current international affairs in his speech.
7. 爸爸和我的老師談了很久。
Father had a long conversation with my teacher.
8. 談正事
talk business/turkey
9. 談往事
talk about the old times; have a chat over the old days
10. 談看法
talk about one's views/opinions
名詞 remark; utterance; talk