揮霍的英文 揮霍用英語怎麼說?
squander v.浪費;揮霍;失去
常用 權威
1. 揮霍浪費
spend extravagantly
2. 揮霍公款
squander public funds
3. 揮霍一空
use up; spend everything
4. 大肆揮霍
wanton away; squander;recklessly squander
5. 信手揮霍
squander money freely
6. 揮霍無度
squander wantonly; spend recklessly;spend without restrain; squander wantonly
7. 肆意揮霍公款
freely squander public funds
1. 湯姆為了過揮霍的生活,對父母毫不關心。
Tom, in order to live a lavish (揮霍的) life, gave no care to his parents.
2. 他將父母留給他的財產大肆揮霍。
He has been prodigal of the fortune his parents left him.
3. 揮霍使他破產。
Foolish expenditures bankrupted him.
4. 他因揮霍無度而招致批評。
He drew criticism for his lavish spending.
5. 一些人喜歡揮霍,但另一些人能省則省。
But some will spend, and some will spare.
6. 一場使揮霍浪費的事實真相大白的調查。
An investigation to bring to light examples of extravagant expenditure.
7. 他們僅僅18個月就揮霍掉了10萬英鎊。
They blew £100,000 in just eighteen months.
8. 要是我們當初沒有把那筆錢隨便揮霍掉該有多好。
I wish we hadn't frittered the money away so easily.
9. 愚蠢地浪費(時間或錢);揮霍:
Fool away To waste (time or money) foolishly; squander:
10. 上癮是揮霍健康和金錢的好辦法。
Addictions are good ways to squander wealth and health.
動詞 spend freely/lavishly; squander
1. 他將父母留給他的財產大肆揮霍。
He has been prodigal of the fortune his parents left him.
2. 大肆揮霍
recklessly squander
3. 揮霍浪費
spend extravagantly
4. 揮霍錢財/時間
squander one's wealth/time
5. 揮霍公款
squander public funds