向外的英文 向外用英語怎麼說?
outward adj.外面的;位於外面的;外來的;向外的;往外去的;外表的;表面的
forth adv.向前;向前方;向外;露出
常用 重點詞彙
1. 小男孩扒著窗臺向外看。
The little boy held on to the windowsill and looked out/outside.
2. 她趴在窗臺上向外看。
She leaned on the windowsill, looking out.
3. 他嘴嚴得很,從來不把別人告訴他的事情向外
He is very secret about what he was told.
4. 公司員工從辦公室向外打電話。
Company employees dial out from their office.
5. 滾筒式烘乾機必須有一個向外排放口。
Tumble-dryers must be vented to the outside.
6. 透過窗戶向外一瞥看見計程車已經來了。
A peek through the window showed that the taxi had arrived.
7. 她拉開窗簾向外望去。
She drew back the curtains and looked out.
8. 水向外湧出; 火焰湧出這座樓.
Water jetted forth; flames were jetting out of the building.
9. 圓盤向外兩側旋轉,展布效果佳。
Pattern wheels rotate from both sides for best fabric development.
10. 母雞躲在自己翅膀底下向外偷看.
Then the hen peeps out from under her wing.
outward; ectad; forth