限額的英文 限額用英語怎麼說?
limit n.界限;限制;極限;速度限制;範圍;最高酒精濃度
norm n.慣例;典範;模方;標準;範數;準則;規範
quota n.定額;定量;限額;分得的部分;配額;任務份額;指標;當選規定票數
常用 權威
1. 限額制
quota system
2. 商定限額
negotiated limit
3. 限額購買
limited purchase
4. 最高限額
ceiling;maximum limit; ceiling
5. 承兌限額
acceptance line
6. 收入限額
limitations on earnings
7. 限額擔保
limited guarantee
8. 外匯限額
exchange restriction/quota
9. 進口限額
import quota
10. 限額輸出
ration export
11. 產品限額
output quota; quota on products
12. 信貸限額
line of credit; credit limit/ceiling
13. 貸款限額
credit line/limit/quota/ceiling
14. 買入限額
buying quota
15. 限額交易
rationed exchange
16. 限額債務
debt subject to limit
17. 預算限額
budget ceiling
18. 限額表
table of limits; line sheet
19. 限額保險
closed insurance; limited policy
20. 完成限額
fulfil a quota
1. 謹慎使用缺勤限額。
Exercise caution about the use of absence claims.
2. 政府對每個部門的開銷都規定有最高限額。
The government fixed a ceiling on spending by each department.
3. 該部門的現金使用可能會超出限額。
The department may overshoot its cash limit.
4. 入學限額的取消有助於鼓勵年輕人上大學。
The removal of entry quotas encouraged young people to enter universities.
5. 該國可能要超過每日110萬桶的歐佩克限額。
The country may be exceeding its OPEC quota of 1,100,000 barrels of oil per day.
6. 你行李的重量限額。
Your baggage allowance.
7. 你知道行李的重量限額是多少嗎?
Do you know what the luggage allowance is?
8. 託運糧食的最小限額為每包千克.
The minimum weight for a grain baggage is kg.
9. 因此,客戶不再擁有足夠的限額。
Therefore customers do not have sufficient quota anymore .
10. 捕魚業希望保持現有的捕撈限額。
The fishing industry wanted to keep the existing catch limit.
限額(英文:limit/quota),讀音xiàn é,漢語詞語。意指規定的數額,在經濟方面特指各類企業基本建設投資的規定數額。例句有“我們第一個五年計劃,限領以上的建設專案,一部分是蘇聯幫助我們設計的,大部分是我們自己設計的”。近義詞是名額,限量。
名詞 limit; norm; quota
1. 政府對每個部門的開銷都規定有最高限額。
The government fixed a ceiling on spending by each department.
2. 行李的重量限額是多少?
What's the allowed weight/allowance of luggage?
3. 在限額以上/下
above/below norm
4. 最高限額
maximum limit; ceiling
5. 最低限額
minimum limit; floor
6. 收入限額
limitations on earnings
7. 產品限額
output quota; quota on products
8. 限額以上/以下
9. 限額範圍/分配製/條款
quota limit/system/clause
10. 限額擔保
limited guarantee
11. 限額撥款/基金
closed-end appropriation/fund
12. 限額保險
closed insurance; limited policy
13. 完成限額
fulfil a quota
14. 減少/增加限額
reduce/increase the quota
15. 規定限額
set a norm; set a quota/limit (on)
16. 分配限額
allot a norm
17. 達到限額
reach the full quota; fill/meet the quota
18. 超過限額
exceed the quota/norm; go beyond the limit
動詞 limit the number/quota
1. 限額購買
limited purchase