落水的英文 落水用英語怎麼說?
degenerate adj.衰退的;墮落的;退化的;簡併的
常用 權威
1. 落水狗
drowning dog―bad person out of favour; bad person who is down
2. 援救落水兒童
rescue a child from drowning
3. 搭救落水兒童
save a drowning child
1. 他救了一個落水兒童的命。
He saved a kid from drowning.
2. 落水
The drowning child was saved.
3. 猛烈的暴風雨把一個人從船上衝落水中。
The severe storm washed a man overboard.
4. 你看起來像一隻落水的老鼠——沒有任何人身攻擊的意思。
You look like a drowned rat — nothing personal.
5. 這對於尼克來說如同鴨背上的落水毫無影響,但我肯定這令保羅覺得沮喪。
It was like water off a duck's back to Nick, but I'm sure it upset Paul.
6. 救援人員在江心打撈落水的漁船.
The rescue men are salvaging the sunken fishing boat in the middle of the river.
7. 那名落水兒童被救生員救了上來.
The child who fell into the water was saved by the lifeguard.
8. 他跳下河去救那個落水的小男孩.
He jumped into the river to save that boy from drowning.
9. 落水的力量使渦輪機的葉片旋轉。
The power of falling water spins the blades of a turbine.
10. 他的孩子落水了,他們把他救了上來
His boy fell in the water , they fished him out
落水(英文:fall into water),讀音luò shuǐ,漢語詞語,指的是掉在水中,比喻淪落,指簷水落下的地帶。例句為“他奮不顧身地跳入河中,救起了落水的小女孩。” 近義詞有出水。反義詞有昇天。
動詞 fall into water
1. 搭救落水兒童
save a drowning child
動詞 fall into evil ways; degenerate