長此以往的英文 長此以往用英語怎麼說?
if things go on like this; if things continue this way; should such a state of affairs continue
常用 權威 重點詞彙
1. 長此以往,國將不國了。
If things go on like this, the country will perish.
2. 長此以往,客戶的擁有成本就會增加。
Over time, their ownership cost will increase.
3. 啊,長此以往人生將變得多麼乏味無聊!
Ah, how unrelieved boring life would be!
4. 假使我們長此以往, 準要搞出赤字來.
If we went on like this, we will surely go into the red.
5. 運動沒什麼壞處,長此以往,你會感覺相當好。
There's really no downside to getting a little exercise done and you're pretty much guaranteed to feel pretty good afterwards.
6. 若家長長此以往,那兒子會認為家中真容不下他了。
If his parents keep responding in this way, the son will begin to feel there\\'s no place for him in the home.
7. 長此以往,可能會導致無法挽回的下垂和慢性背痛.
Irreversible sagging and chronic backache can be the long - term result.
8. 而長此以往,外界公民對他們問責的作用就被淡化了。
And over time, their accountability to the citizen has been diluted.
9. 因此,這樣長此以往,一部分斷層似乎形成了自己的地震預防機制。
So given enough time, parts of the fault seem to develop their own earthquake prevention mechanism.
10. 專家指出,焦慮性失眠長此以往,人的生理和精神功能會受到損害。
Experts point out that anxiety insomnia long run, people's physical and mental function will be impaired.
長此以往,是漢語成語,意為長久這樣下去。例句有“長此以往,必定搞成明朝末年那個樣子,大政受言路的影響,搖擺不定,政府一件事不能辦”。 該成語出自魯迅《書信集·二五六·致張廷謙》“倘長此以往,恐怕要日見其荒涼”。偏正式,用作分句,是中性詞。 相關近義詞有天長地久、久而久之、長年累月,反義詞有一時半刻。
null詞 if things go on like this; if things continue this way; should such a state of affairs continue
1. 許多中小學生一有時間就泡遊戲廳,長此以往,怎麼得了?
Many primary and middle school students spend all their spare time in video arcades. If nothing is done to change it, what will become of them?
2. 長此以往,國將不國了。
If things go on like this, the country will perish.
if things go on like this; if things continue this way; should such a state of affairs continue