有磁性的英文 有磁性用英語怎麼說?
be magnetic
常用 重點詞彙
1. 鐘的背面有磁性,可以吸在冰箱上。
The clock has a magnetic back to stick to the fridge.
2. 我們就說磁鐵有磁性了。
We said magnets with magnetic.
3. 這個過程包括用有磁性的卷軸在腦組織中形成電磁場。
This process involves using a magnetic coiltogenerate electromagnetic fields in the brain tissue.
4. 調查人員也曾將加速器放入了有磁性的環境中進行觀察。
The investigators also exposed the accelerator system to magnetic fields.
5. 她的眼光真正地很有磁性,只瞥了我一眼,我身上的銀行卡就全部被消磁了!
Her flashing eyes are so magnetic that just a single glance makes all my bank cards in my pocket demagnetized .
6. 在這種情況下,即使材料中的所有單個原子都是有磁性的,整個材料還是沒有。
In which case, even though all the individual atoms in the material are magnetic, once more the material as a whole isn't.
7. 甚至連靜態批評家都覺得這一解決方式富有活力,及同情心,就如一曲有磁性有計算意味的音樂。
Even the static critic feels her solution energetic and sympathetic,just like piece of magnetic music with arithmetic.
magnetism; magnetic properties