冒風險的英文 冒風險用英語怎麼說?
run risks 冒…的危險
on the line 處於嚴重危險中;掛得與視平線相齊
常用 重點詞彙
1. 要想成功就得冒風險。
Success always entails risks.
2. 改革是要冒風險的。
Reform involves risks.
3. 他不情願冒風險,不管多小。
He was hesitant to take the risk, however small.
4. 他們寧願冒風險載重他們的理想。
They would rather to take risks tbr their ideal.
5. 所冒風險與所得相比不足掛齒.
The risk is as nothing compared to the gain.
6. 忠告冒風險, 受功較安全.
It is safer to hear and take counsel, than to give it.
7. 他們不冒風險,拒絕承擔任何新的責任.
They played for safety and refused to take on any new commitments.
8. 微軟是在準備冒風險嗎?
Is Microsoft taking risks?
9. 可這友誼多麼冒風險啊!
But what a gamble friendship is!
10. 誰都不願意以天下為己任,隻身去冒風險.
No one was quite ready to bell the cat.
run risks; on the line; stick one's chin out