碩果累累的英文 碩果累累用英語怎麼說?
numerous significant achievements
be heavy with fruit―achieve great successes
常用 重點詞彙
1. 這是一個碩果累累的時期。
It was a productive and fertile period.
2. 他對星空的研究碩果累累.
Many and great were his explorations of the starry universe.
3. 你像一株成熟的荔枝樹,掛滿碩果累累
You, Like a ripe litchi , have branches full of borne rich fruits.
4. 總的來說,昨天是“碩果累累”的一天。
In short, yesterday was a fruitful day.
5. 那棵蘋果樹碩果累累,在微風中輕輕搖曳。
The apple tree, swaying gently in the breeze, had a good crop of fruit.
6. 碩果累累;層出不窮.
Results are now coming in thick and fast.
7. 一棵無花果樹看著另一棵無花果樹,就變得碩果累累。
Looking at each other, both fig trees become fruitful.
8. 枝椏上的碩果累累是因為土地下根莖的不求回報。 。
Thee roots below the earth claim no rewards for making the branches fruitful.
9. 當一棵樹的樹枝上掛滿了果實我們可以說它碩果累累。
We can say a tree is laden with fruit when there are a lot of fruit on its branches.
10. 本人謹祝各參展商碩果累累 、 獲益匪淺,喜上眉梢.
I extend my best wishes to all participants for a productive, profitable and enjoyable fair.
碩果累累,漢語成語,指大果子接連成串,比喻取得的成績大而多。例句為“ 秋天的果園,碩果累累,豐收在望。” 相關近義詞為滿載而歸、成績斐然,反義詞為一無所獲等。
numerous significant achievements; be heavy with fruit―achieve great successes