一盤的英文 一盤用英語怎麼說?
plateful n.一盤; 滿盤
trayful n.滿盤; 一盤
常用 重點詞彙
1. 一盤菜
a dish
2. 一盤磨
a pair of millstones
3. 全國一盤棋
coordinate all the activities of the nation like moves on a chessboard; plan the activities of the nation the same way as in a game of chess; take the whole country into account
4. 一盤五子棋
a game of gobang
5. 一盤圍棋
a game of go
6. 一盤烤肉
a plate of roast meat
7. 一盤冷盤
a cold dish
8. 一盤殘棋
an end game
9. 贏一盤棋
win a game at chess
1. 玩家先下一盤棋,接著是一輪拳擊。
Players play a round of chess, followed by a round of boxing.
2. 她為客人調製了一盤沙拉。
She mixed her guests a salad.
3. 最後一盤圍棋他一連使出幾個著數,反敗為勝。
In the last game of go, he made several moves which turned the tables and defeated his opponent.
4. 你別來勁,我要好好跟你下,你一盤棋也贏不了。
Why are you looking so smug about? If I do my best in playing chess with you, you’ll have no chance of winning.
5. 努力去吃滿滿一盤無味的半流食。
Trying to eat a trayful of tasteless pap.
6. 他被邀請參加聚會,並要帶一盤菜前往。
He was invited to a party and asked to bring a plate.
7. 他託著一盤倒滿酒的酒杯。
He was bearing a tray of brimming glasses.
8. 他盛了滿滿的一盤米飯。
He heaped his plate with rice.
9. 他從架上取了一盤磁帶。
He plucked a tape from the shelf.
10. 他以6比3贏了第一盤。
He took the first set 6–3.
plateful; a reel; stickful; trayful