遺囑的英文 遺囑用英語怎麼說?
testament n.遺囑;遺言;證明;證據;聖約;聖約書;《聖經· 新約》
will modal v.將;總是;終究;願意;能;經常;慣於;可能;大概;希望
常用 權威
1. 遺囑執行人
executor of a will
2. 口授遺囑
oral testament; nuncupative/oral will
3. 寫遺囑
write a will
4. 否定遺囑
repudiate a will
5. 取消遺囑
break a will
6. 篡改遺囑
falsify a will
7. 口頭遺囑
nuncupative/oral will
8. 認證遺囑
prove a will;prove a will
9. 宣讀遺囑
read out a will
10. 毀掉遺囑
destroy a will
11. 遺囑繼承
inherit by will
12. 單純遺囑
simple will
13. 親筆遺囑
holographic will
14. 臨終遺囑
deathbed will;deathbed will
15. 執行遺囑
administer sb's will
16. 代筆遺囑
dictated will
17. 遺囑檔案
archives of will
18. 遺囑捐贈
donation by will
19. 遺囑贈與
gift by will
20. 死時留有遺囑
1. 諾貝爾獎是根據諾貝爾的遺囑設立的。
The Nobel Prize was established by the will of Alfred Nobel.
2. 他們有權查驗遺囑的合法性。
They are entitled to check the validity of the will.
3. 遺囑由他的家庭律師保管。
The will was left in the care of his family lawyer.
4. 遵其遺囑死者將被火化。
The deceased will be cremated in accordance with his last will.
5. 幾起病人遺囑能力受質疑的案例。
Cases where a patient's testamentary capacity is in doubt.
6. 指定其女為繼承人的遺囑設立人。
[with complement]a testator who has instituted his daughter heir.
7. 已故的克里斯托弗·史密斯的遺囑。
The will of Christopher Smith deceased.
8. 為作遺囑驗證,房子已經估過價了。
The house has been valued for probate.
9. 他作為見證人在遺囑上籤了字。
He subscribed the will as a witness.
10. 她母親把他排除在遺囑之外。
His mother cut him out of her will.
名詞 testament; will; dying words; dying wish
1. 遺囑由他的家庭律師保管。
The will was left in the care of his family lawyer.
2. 臨終遺囑
deathbed will
3. 使遺囑失效
break/overturn a will
4. 死時留有遺囑
5. 執行遺囑
administer sb's will
6. 宣讀遺囑
read out a will
7. 寫遺囑
write a will
8. 認證遺囑
prove a will
9. 立遺囑
draw up/make out/make a will
10. 檢驗遺囑
probate/validate a will
11. 毀掉遺囑
destroy a will
12. 否定遺囑
repudiate a will
13. 篡改遺囑
tamper with/falsify a will