骷髏頭的英文 骷髏頭用英語怎麼說?
1. 骷髏頭的下頜從鉸合處下掛。
The skull's jaw hinged down.
2. 那個軍官略一動手,指著那個骷髏頭的人.
With a small gesture the officer indicated the skull - faced man.
3. 從地裡刨出骷髏頭,展示出來供公眾圍觀。
Skulls are popped out of the ground and put on display for public gawking.
4. 炸燬所有邪惡骷髏頭以過關,但千萬要留意沸騰的熔岩坑!
Blow up those mocking skulls to clear the level, but watch out for BUBBLING LAVA PITS!
5. 瞭解如何在這個自由畫影片約容易畫臉設計與面塗料骷髏頭。
Learn how to paint a skull and crossbones with face paints in this free video about easy face painting designs.
6. 他拿了一塊黑布,讓卡雷在上面畫上了骷髏頭和交叉的腿骨。
He cut a patch of black cloth and had Kare paint a skull and crossbones on it.
7. 窗子上面的欄柵也是用鐵做的,中間鑲有一個面目猙獰的骷髏頭示意著這是一個鬼宅。
Window above the fence is made of iron, the middle set with a face of grim skull indicate it is from a ghost house.
8. 香菸包裝將帶有如同海盜標誌的骷髏頭和交叉腿骨圖案,以強調香菸對公共衛生的危害.
Cigarettepackets will carry a pirate - like skull and cross bones to underscore the public - health hazard.
9. 蠟狀的皮膚緊貼在臉上的骨架上,看上去活像骷髏頭一樣。他齜著黃牙咧嘴笑著,是小天狼星布萊克。
The waxy skin was stretched so tightly over the bones of his face, it looked like a skull. His yellow teeth were bared in a grin, It was Sirius Black.
《骷髏頭》即《顱骨》(Skull Heads)是Kim Argetsinger、Rane Jameson、Samantha Light 等主演,Charles Band執導,August White擔任編劇的恐怖電影,於2009年10月6日在美國上映。 該電影講述了生活在義大利城堡的一個家庭受到了三個神秘陌生人的威脅,為了保護自身,他們使出了超自然力量以抵禦入侵的故事。
《骷髏頭》是Charles Band執導,Kim Argetsinger 等主演的恐怖片。 講述了一家人受到神秘陌生人的威脅的故事。