堅定信念的英文 堅定信念用英語怎麼說?
concrete one's conviction
常用 重點詞彙
1. 在個人壓力面前,要堅定信念.
Stand firmly for your convictions in the face of personal pressure.
2. 要堅定信念必會戰勝一切!
Strenthen belief, nothing cant be beat
3. 讓我們運用我們的剋制態度和堅定信念。
Let us exercise forbearance and firmness.
4. 在這段文章裡,作者表達出自己的堅定信念.
In this passage the writer is speaking his own convictions.
5. 出類拔萃的創造發明能力源於不屈不撓的堅定信念.
Exceptional creative or inventive capacity is the product of an inexhaustible willingness to take great trouble.
6. 具有堅定信念的人總能經得起人生中的各種挑戰及失敗。
A man of strong convictions can always stand up to all kinds of challenges and failures in his life.
7. 一旦獲得機遇,堅定信念行事,自信是領導他人的前提。
When taking chances, do so with conviction. Belief in yourself is a prerequisite to the leadership of others.
8. 他順利推進一切的堅定信念,現在,德國和奧地利已合併。
His certainty that all would come well...now that Germany and Austria were united.
9. 讓我們堅定信念,勇往直前,持之以恆,心存感激地大步向前。
Let us meet them with faith and courage, with patience and a grateful and happy heart.
10. 他們表示熱烈的彌賽亞的願望,並堅定信念的復活,在永恆的獎懲。
They express ardent Messianic aspirations, and a firm faith in the Resurrection, and in eternal rewards and punishments .
concrete one's conviction