玩弄的英文 玩弄用英語怎麼說?
play with 和...一起玩
resort to 訴諸於..., 手段訴諸
engage in 從事, 參加;忙於…
1. 玩弄權術
play politics;play politics
2. 玩弄辭藻
juggle with words
3. 玩弄伎倆
play a trick
4. 玩弄手槍
toy with a pistol
5. 玩弄政治手腕
play political dodges;play politics
6. 玩弄陰謀詭計
resort to schemes and intrigues
7. 玩弄兩面派手法
engage in double-dealing tactics
8. 玩弄卑劣手段
play a mean trick
1. 透過玩弄事物來解決問題。
By playing with things to solve problems on their own.
2. 她被命運之神所玩弄。
Fortune has juggled with her fate.
3. 蓋子具有防孩童玩弄功能的消毒劑。
Disinfectants that are fitted with childproof caps.
4. 我們選出的官員對我們玩弄的騙局。
Flimflams perpetrated against us by our elected officials.
5. 他玩弄手段獲得了國王的信任。
He insinuated himself into the king's confidence.
6. 他是個聲名狼藉的酒鬼和玩弄女性的傢伙。
He was a notorious drinker and womanizer.
7. 她喜歡玩弄人的情感。
She likes to play with people's emotions.
8. 他玩弄騙術,就他的實際財產誤導稅務部門。
He played a shell game, misleading the tax department about his real worth.
9. 這些獎項是行業內玩弄手腕,投桃報李的結果。
The awards are about industry politics and backslapping.
10. 玩弄極右國家主義。
Playing with right-wing nationalism.