得寸進尺的英文 得寸進尺用英語怎麼說?
reach for a yard after getting an inch—give him an inch and he'll take a yard/a mile/an ell; be insatiable
常用 權威 重點詞彙
1. 收斂點(別得寸進尺), 托馬斯。
Don't push your luck, Thomas.
2. 不要給他們得寸進尺的機會。
Give a bully an inch and he or she will take a yard.
3. 你退避三舍,他得寸進尺。
You walked away, and they came back with it.
4. 給他一英寸,他就要一英里(得寸進尺)。
Give him an inch, he will take a mile.
5. 米格爾:我們的信用額度已經過度擴張了。我不想得寸進尺。
Miguel: We're already overextended at the bank. I don't want to push our luck.
6. 她不過是洞察人情世故,知道稍微的讓步也會讓對手得寸進尺
She is but wisely realistic, knowing that the least concession is the inch which precedes that impossible the repulsive ell.
7. 步步為營,得寸進尺是一個在達成協議後再多得一點的有效技巧。
Nibbling is an effective technique to get a little extra after an agreement is reached.
8. 她同意週六來幫忙,不過我想我要是讓她整個週末都來的話就是得寸進尺了。
She's agreed to help on Saturday, but I think I'd be pushing my luck if I asked her to be here the whole weekend.
9. 日本非不返躬自省,且得寸進尺,狂妄兇悍,自為己有稱雄天下之力,而視我中國為羸弱之邦。
However, instead of reflecting themselves, the cruel and insatiable Japs regards China as a weak state and believes that they themselves could dominate the whole world.
10. 克萊門扎和忒希奧兩個人認為這種局面就是自殺.尤其是巴茨尼. 塔塔格里亞聯盟對他們的疆域虎視眈眈,得寸進尺.
Clemenza and Tessio considered this suicidal, especially with the Barzini - Tattaglia encroachments on their empires.
得寸進尺,是漢語成語,釋義為得到了一寸又進一步得到一尺。比喻慾望越來越大。例句為“法國得寸進尺,五年以後吞併了整個南圻,而心猶未足,還打算攘奪北圻,僅留下中圻給越南。” 得寸進尺可作謂語、定語、狀語,出自西漢劉向《戰國策·秦策三》的“王不如遠交而近攻,得寸則王之寸,得尺亦王之尺也。” 得寸進尺的近義詞為得隴望蜀、貪得無厭等,反義詞為心滿意足、如願以償、稱心如意。
《得寸進尺》是2001年春晚化妝相聲,由馮鞏、郭冬臨、郭月主演。 《得寸進尺》狠狠地諷刺了文藝圈的現象。 該作品獲得2001年“我最喜愛的春節聯歡晚會節目”曲藝類一等獎。
null詞 reach for a yard after getting an inch—give him an inch and he'll take a yard/a mile/an ell; be insatiable
reach for a yard after getting an inch—give him an inch and he'll take a yard/a mile/an ell; be insatiable