見義勇為的英文 見義勇為用英語怎麼說?
act bravely for a just cause; be ready to take up the cudgels for a just cause; act as a good Samaritan; never hesitate where good is to be done
常用 權威 重點詞彙
1. 他見義勇為,大家都向他挑大拇指。
Everyone held up his thumb at his heroism.
2. 見義勇為
Those who are ready to battle for a just cause should be encouraged and rewarded.
3. 那場見義勇為事蹟報告會挺感人.
That public lecture on heroic deeds was very moving.
4. 崇尚見義勇為, 不懼怕邪惡.
Advocate help others a just cause , dare improbity.
5. 我們要為見義勇為的英雄慶功!
We must celebrate the victory for the heroes who have acted bravely in a just cause.
6. 人人都讚美他這種見義勇為的精神。
Everyone admires his spirit of doing boldly what is righteous.
7. 第四章見義勇為行為立法完善的構想。
Chapter 4 The idea of perfecting the law.
8. 我們一定要為您見義勇為的事蹟報功.
We will definitely report your heroic deed to a higher authority.
9. 第二部分,見義勇為行為的法律界定.
The second part is on the legal definition of voluntary actions against injustice.
10. 只有當正義的人都不在見義勇為,邪惡才能獲勝。
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil was for good man to do noting.
“見義勇為”出自《論語.為政》:“見義不為,無勇也。”意為遇到合乎正義的事,就應該奮勇的去做。 儘管見義勇為在國家層面尚無統一標準,但各地相關條例在定義上基本一致——不負有法定職責和特定義務,為保護國家利益、集體利益或他人人身、財產安全,同違法犯罪行為作鬥爭或者在搶險、救災、救人活動中表現突出的行為。
null詞 act bravely for a just cause; be ready to take up the cudgels for a just cause; act as a good Samaritan; never hesitate where good is to be done
act bravely for a just cause; be ready to take up the cudgels for a just cause; act as a good Samaritan; never hesitate where good is to be done