哭笑不得的英文 哭笑不得用英語怎麼說?
do not know whether to cry or to laugh; be at a loss whether to cry or to laugh; be unable either to cry or to laugh—find sth both funny and annoying
常用 權威 重點詞彙
1. 看到他那副狼狽相,真叫我哭笑不得。
His sorry state amused and saddened me at once.
2. 這樣的邏輯更加讓人哭笑不得。
Such kind of logic is also funny.
3. 初聽老師對他的抱怨,我哭笑不得。
Might sound a teacher to his complaints, I dumbfounding.
4. 也就是叫他們哭笑不得的禮物。
That is. to ask them dumbfounding gifts.
5. 有時上班著急,讓我哭笑不得。
Sometimes anxious to go to work, let me dumbfounding.
6. 當你問我這個問題的時候,我總哭笑不得。
I want to cry and laugh whenever you goaround asking that.
7. 《戀戀筆記本》。哪部電影最讓你哭笑不得?
The Notebook. What movies made you cry the hardest and laugh the hardest?
8. 他的回答令人哭笑不得:“我才不用便盆呢。
His response was laughable. \I don't want to go on the potty.
9. 讓我和妹妹哭笑不得。
Let me and my sister dumbfounding .
10. 你弄得我哭笑不得。
You make me cry smile no have.
哭笑不得,漢語成語。指哭也不好,笑也不好。形容處境尷尬。例句“否則咬著了辣椒,哭笑不得的時候,我不能負責。” 該詞出自元代高安道的《皮匠說謊》“好一場,惡一場,哭不得,笑不得。”用於主謂式;作謂語、定語、補語。 該詞近義詞有啼笑皆非、不尷不尬,反義詞有落落大方、泰然處之。
《哭笑不得》是由張剛執導,戴兆安、沈伐等主演的電影。該片於1987年在中國上映。 影片講述了福建閩南沿海地區,以剽竊阿滿作品而成名的專業作家鍾以堅把阿滿叫來再寫個劇本。他們來到海濱度假村體驗生活。阿滿一進漁村就被當地的惠安女阿菊吸引住了,他幾度採訪她都遭到拒絕。
null詞 do not know whether to cry or to laugh; be at a loss whether to cry or to laugh; be unable either to cry or to laugh—find sth both funny and annoying
1. 看到他那副狼狽相,真叫我哭笑不得。
His sorry state amused and saddened me at once.
do not know whether to cry or to laugh; be at a loss whether to cry or to laugh; be unable either to cry or to laugh—find sth both funny and annoying