佈告欄的英文 佈告欄用英語怎麼說?
notice board 佈告欄;通知板;告示板
bulletin board 佈告牌;電子公告牌
1. 我的建議是有一個大的佈告欄。
My tip is to have a big noticeboard.
2. 他擅長清潔佈告欄。
He is good at cleaning the noticeboard.
3. 佈告欄前攢聚了許多學生。
The students crowded together before the bulletin board.
4. 佈告欄裡貼著一張通告。
There is a notice on the bulletin/notice board.
5. 我看到佈告欄上的廣告。
I saw the ad on the noticeboard.
6. 員工可以用佈告欄表達任何關注。
Staff can use the noticeboard to flag up any concerns.
7. 獲獎者的姓名將公佈在佈告欄上.
The recipients of the prizes will be published on the notice board.
8. 我們將在佈告欄上公佈會議的時間。
We'll notify the time of the meeting on the bulletin board.
9. 秘書將一個會議通知釘在佈告欄上.
The secretary tacked a meeting notice on the bulletin board.
10. 請把這個通知貼在學校的佈告欄上.
Please post this notice on the school bulletin board.